UK Deaf TikTok star passes away at 25 years old

A Deaf TikTok star from the United Kingdom (UK) with over 700k followers and over 20k followers on Instagram named Immy Nunn, with the username “Deaf Immy,” passed away at the age of 25 due to mental health struggles. Immy uses British Sign Language (BSL) and would post content related to being Deaf, the LBGTQ+ community, mental health awareness, and more.

[Short video clips from Immy’s TikTok account] Credit: TikTok/DeafImmy

When this news broke, many people from the Deaf community in the UK and the social media community who have followed Immy and are fans of Immy poured out their comments that they are heartbroken and about how much of a wonderful person she was and the difference that she made in this world.

We reached out to Immy’s mother, Louise, to share a little bit about Immy. She said that Immy has struggled with mental health for a long time, but she fought hard every day. Louise said that Immy took her own life on January 1, 2023. She said that Immy really cared a lot about other people and knew that she would not like to see any of us sad or in pain. We will show you one excerpt that Louise mentioned.
[Full text statement:

“Immy made us proud every single day so every memory of her is filled with love. Immy’s sketches on TikTok were always based around things that had happened to her, she wanted for deaf children to have the right to a deaf education, deaf people having the same access to everyday things in life, and the discrimination deaf people received to end.”]

Louise also mentioned that the UK does not have any mental health services for Deaf people. She said that there used to be one deaf mental health unit for children, but that one has closed down.

Immy had a deaf partner named Becky, who is also a TikTok star with over 800k followers, posted a video tribute to Immy and commented, “I love you always and forever.”

May we always remember Immy’s legacy through her videos on social media. Our thoughts go with Immy’s mother Louise, her family, partner, friends, and the community who loves Immy.

**Correction/Clarification: In our report, we mentioned that there were no mental health services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in the UK. After that report, we got several corrections that there are services there, so we will provide the information here. There are three websites that you can look into for the services in the UK:

Under the British Society for Mental Health and Deafness website’s front page (first link), there are two spreadsheets that you can click into to see various services provided in the UK, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland for deaf adults and children. For further questions, you may look into the websites and find their contact information there.


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