The Daily Moth 3-31-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth. It is Tuesday, March 31.

As of 5:00 p.m. today, there are over 180,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States with 3,606 deaths and 6,038 recoveries.  

The world is nearing a million cases of COVID-19 — the world has 846,000 cases with 41,494 total deaths and 176,171 recoveries. 

AP News showed a sad image of workers at a hospital in Brooklyn placing bodies of those who died from the coronavirus into a refrigerated morgue truck because there isn’t enough space. 

The New York Times reported that scientists from the University of Washington created a model to try and predict the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. It had a grim prediction that in April, the number of deaths from COVID-19 could go up from 4,000 to almost 60,000. The model said the pace of deaths would slow down in June and July to a total of about 84,000 deaths in August. 

There is another study by the Imperial College in London that predicts if the U.S. does nothing to prevent the spread of the virus, up to 2.2 million people could die. But if the government stepped in to isolate people who had the virus and those who they were in contact with, the amount of deaths could be cut in half. 

Most of the deaths are attributed to hospital systems being overwhelmed with an insufficient number of ICU beds to support the critically sick. 

The White House today said there could be up to 240,000 deaths in the U.S. from COVID-19. 

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield said he is reevaluating its guidelines that the general public does not need to wear masks. He said that studies show that up to 25% of people infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic and that if people wore masks, it could cut down on the spread of the virus. Those who show symptoms of COVID-19 are capable of spreading the virus 48 hours before they show symptoms, so that’s another reason why a mask would be beneficial. 

 The masks, if it is not a N95 mask, will not be completely effective in preventing the virus from going into your body, but it will be helpful in preventing you to spread droplets in the air if you have an infection and also it will discourage you from touching your face. 

There are several tutorials out there where you can create a homemade mask following a template. 

 The New York Times explained that Hong Kong and Taiwan “jumped in action early with universal mask wearing and social distancing” and have controlled the number of coronavirus cases. 

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, the brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, has tested positive for the coronavirus. He said he is feeling well and will continue to anchor his 9 p.m. program on CNN from his home in New York City. He said he had fevers, chills, and shortness of breath and was recently exposed to other people who tested positive for COVID-19. 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that his younger brother would be fine and said he was relieved that their 88-year-old mother did not visit Chris in recent days, emphasizing the importance of social distancing.  

Gov. Cuomo said he was frustrated that New York is competing with 49 other states and the federal government in ordering ventilators from China. He said the federal government, the FEMA, should be the one purchasing agent and then allocate it to states based on their needs.  

ABC News reported that the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier said his ship’s crew of 5,000 sailors needs to be quarantined on land in Guam because there are at least 70 infected sailors and the numbers could go up because of the ship’s close quarters.  

The Mercury News showed an image of a Las Vegas parking lot painted with white rectangles to provide homeless people a place to sleep and be socially distant because a nearby homeless shelter run by Catholic Charities was shut down after one person tested positive for COVID-19. At least 117 homeless people slept on the floor on Sunday. There was carpet provided for cushion, but it was removed because it is difficult to clean and disinfect. The homeless shelter said it hopes to reopen tomorrow.  

Italy has the highest death toll in the world with about 12,400 deaths but Italian officials said they are seeing hope because they are now seeing the number of new infections level off into a plateau. Italian authorities said they will have to continue their restrictive stay-at-home orders and a national lockdown to continue to push down on the numbers.  

More than 85% of deaths from COVID-19 is those who are 60 years or older, but there is now a number of deaths from COVID-19 among those who are under 18 years old. Last week it was reported that a 17-year-old teenager in Southern California died after being infected with COVID-19.  

Sadly, CBS News reported that there is an infant in Chicago who died from the coronavirus. It is the first known infant to die from the virus. It is not known if the baby had other health issues, but a doctor said it is unusual.  

In Belgium, there is a 12-year-old girl who died from COVID-19. She had a fever for three days before her death. It is not known if the girl had other health issues. 

 In France, a 16-year-old girl died from COVID-19. 

 It can feel depressing to see the numbers of COVID-19 infections go up and up and dealing with the daily news cycle. It’s not easy for any of us. We’ll have to keep on going, take it day by day, stay home as much as possible, practice social distancing, and wash our hands throughout the day. Just take it day by day. That’s all today, see you tomorrow and stay with the light!


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