Wednesday, April 1: Coronavirus updates

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth. It is Wednesday, April 1. Here are updates on the coronavirus pandemic. 

The U.S. has surpassed 200,000 cases of COVID-19 as of 5:00 p.m. today. About 8,400 have recovered while 4,500 have died. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a statewide stay-at-home order. Many said this order should have been issued weeks ago because of the amount of spring breakers who were seen on Florida beaches and because there is a high percentage of elderly people who live in the state. There are now about 7,000 cases of COVID-19 in Florida. 

There are now stay-at-home orders for 37 states and Washington, D.C. Most of the orders direct restaurants, bars, schools, and places of public accommodation to be closed. Residents are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible unless they have an important reason to go out such as getting groceries, medicine, going to work, or filling up the gas. The orders also generally ban gatherings of more than 10 people.  

The New York Times reported that a group of about 70 students from the University of Texas celebrated spring break in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and after returning to Texas, 28 of them found out they had the coronavirus. The University of Texas said they are now self-isolating and there are many more who are under quarantine.

 There is a tweet by Tectonix GEO that shows data analysis of phones that were detected on a Ft. Lauderdale beach. The data showed that those beach-goers traveled on interstates throughout Florida and to various states in the U.S. See this clip. 


Tectonix GEO said this shows the importance of social distancing. 

The New York Times reported that the federal government is almost out of its emergency stockpile of masks, gowns, and gloves. There are states who say they desperately need the gear for their hospital and emergency workers. 

There seems to be an agreement between Republican and Democratic politicians that there needs to be a broad infrastructure proposal for needed improvements in the U.S. and for the projects to help simulate the American economy. Such projects may include rebuilding roads, providing broadband internet in rural areas, or improving waterways. 

Fox News reported that Joe Biden has offered to call President Trump to discuss strategy on controlling the coronavirus pandemic. Fox News said that the White House did not immediately respond to a request on if Trump would accept the call or when the phone call would happen. 

Fox explained that Biden made the offer to call after White House counselor Kellyanne Conway challenged Biden to call the White House and offer some support instead of criticizing Trump’s response to the pandemic. We’ll see what happens. in New Jersey reported that police broke up an engagement party and cited 10 people, including a 99-year-old man, for violating the state’s ban on gatherings. The news report said police have broken up two weddings earlier this month. 

Now I want to say that I’ve received many questions about the stimulus checks that will go out in a few weeks, specifically on an IRS update that those on Social Security would have to file a simple tax return in order to get a stimulus check. The IRS website does say you have to file a simple tax return, but did not go in detail and said that there would be more information coming soon. I plan to be on this and reach out to others and release an updated video on this. 

That’s all the updates on coronavirus for now.———

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