The Daily Moth 3-30-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth. Hope your weekend was good. Here are updates on the coronavirus pandemic. 

The USA is by far the country with the most confirmed COVID-19 infections in the world. As of 3:45 pm today, there are over 153,000 cases. Over 2,800 have died while over 5,500 have recovered. 

Yesterday and today, President Trump changed his rosy prediction of America being “open” by Easter. He warned yesterday and today that Easter, on April 12, would instead be the “peak” of coronavirus infections and deaths. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said it is possible that 100,000 to 200,000 people in the U.S. will die from the coronavirus. He said what they are trying to do is not let that happen.  

President Trump said the federal guidelines on social distancing that recommends schooling at home, no gatherings of more than 10 people, and avoiding bars and restaurants would be extended from 15 days to four more weeks, until the end of April. This is more in line with over 30 states’ shutdown and/or stay-at-home orders. 

Navy hospital ship “Comfort,” with 1,000 beds, docked in Manhattan. The ship and its healthcare staff will provide the city with support for non-coronavirus related health needs to take away from the pressure of local hospitals. A few days ago Los Angeles welcomed another Navy hospital ship, the “Mercy,” to provide the same kind of support. 

The New York Times reported that the Rikers Island jail complex has at least 139 confirmed cases of COVID-19, that the Cook County jail in Chicago has over 100 infections, and that in the federal prison system, there are at least 38 confirmed infections with inmates and employees with one prisoner dead in Louisiana. Clearly, the nation’s incarcerated and the staff that run jails and prisons are dealing with a deeper crisis.

There is a serious outbreak of coronavirus that’s hit the Detroit Police Department. The Detroit News reported that a police captain in his 50’s and a police 911 dispatcher who was 38 died from the coronavirus. reported that about 39 Detroit police officers have tested positive for COVID-19, including the police chief. 468 officers are quarantined. The New York Police Department (NYPD) has at least 512 officers who tested positive for the virus and there are police departments across the nation that are reporting infections. 

A pastor of a large church in Tampa Bay, Florida was arrested because he continued to hold services in defiance of a rule that says there can’t be gatherings of 10 or more people. His name is Rodney Howard-Browne. He was in the news for some time because he told his congregation that they should continue to shake hands and that only the “end of the world” could force him to close his church. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said Rodney showed a reckless disregard for human life and put hundreds of people in his congregation at risk and thousands of residents who may interact with them this week, in danger. He was charged with unlawful assembly and violation of public health emergency rules.  

CNN reported that in Vinalhaven, Maine, a band of armed neighbors chopped down a tree to block a resident’s driveway to prevent him from leaving because they suspected that he or his roommates had the coronavirus. The resident had three roommates who were from New Jersey who were there for over a month to work on a construction project. It seems like the neighbors targeted the house because of the New Jersey license plates. 

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo announced on Friday that RI state police would pull over drivers with New York license plates and force them to self-quarantine for 14 days. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he would sue. Now Rhode Island said they would issue this rule for all visitors from all states — that when they enter Rhode Island, they are to self-quarantine. Hawaii’s governor had issued a similar order last week, but Rhode Island is bordered by Connecticut and Massachusetts. There are police checkpoints on I-95 in Rhode Island. Florida also established checkpoints on I-95 at the Florida-Georgia border to check those who were coming from New York City. So, we are seeing something that we have never seen before in recent history — states starting to impose restrictions on their borders.  

The Tokyo Olympics has officially been postponed and scheduled for July 23, 2021.  

Italy has over 100,000 cases of the coronavirus. Spain has 85,000 cases.

That is all the updates on coronavirus for now.


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