Japan’s “Deaf Voice” gets Int’l Emmy Nom; BBC’s “Reunion” series set in Deaf Community

Japan’s “Deaf Voice” series gets International Emmy nomination

Here are two Deaf News briefs about international deaf actors and shows.

The first is that there is a mini series in Japan called “Deaf Voice: A Sign-Language Interpreter in Court.” It has multiple Deaf actors in it. It received an International Emmy Award nomination in the TV Movie / Mini-Series category. The awards ceremony will be on November 25 in New York City. The show, “Deaf Voice,” is broadcast on NHK - Japan Broadcasting Corporation.

The two-part series is about a former police officer, who is a CODA and fluent in sign language, after a tough period in his life, finding a new job as a court interpreter and inadvertently getting caught up in a murder investigation. I’m not able to find where you can watch the series here in the U.S., and there are no English subtitles on it. There is a short trailer that you can watch, the link is in the bottom of the transcript.


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BBC’s “Reunion” series set in Deaf community

The second news is from the U.K. BBC Studios produced a four-episode series called “Reunion.” It is described as a revenge thriller set in the Deaf community. It was written by a deaf creative named William Mager and stars Deaf actor Matthew Gurney. The series is about the journey of a deaf man who was recently released from prison and is “determined to right his wrongs, while unraveling the truth behind the events that led him to prison.” The Hollywood Reporter said the majority of the cast and many members of the crew are deaf or use British Sign Language. The series is not yet available to watch as BBC is selling the series.

Nice to see Deaf stories and Deaf creatives finding opportunities and success internationally. It is also notable that the stories are set in the Deaf community. If I find more information on where you can watch “Deaf Voice” or “Reunion,” I’ll share.

Japan’s “Deaf Voice”:



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Es6CnRiD8

UK’s “Reunion”:


