Deaf Virginia man sentenced 23 years for murdering Deaf girlfriend

In December 2022, I reported that a Deaf man from Virginia, Anthony Johnson, was charged with fatally stabbing her Deaf ex-girlfriend, Valarie McElroy, in her apartment in Chesapeake. Valarie was 58.

On Monday, Anthony was sentenced to 22 years and 11 months in prison in a guilty plea deal.

Court documents, from news reports, said the murder happened on Nov. 27, 2022. On that day, Anthony went to Valarie’s workplace — a food store. Valarie told her co-workers she didn’t want to talk to Anthony and he refused to leave. A supervisor at the food store told Anthony to leave or they would call the police. Later that day, Valarie was on a video call with a friend and said she had to hang up because she saw Anthony. Later on, when Valarie didn’t pick up a friend as expected, her family called the police. When officers showed up to her apartment, they found her dead from stab wounds. Anthony was on a bed and a knife was nearby. He was arrested.

The Virginian-Pilot explained that during the sentencing on Monday, Valarie’s brother said the murder affected them in a way that they will never get over. Valarie’s daughters wrote letters to the court explaining that they remembered her mother expressing fear over Anthony and wanted to move out of state because he wouldn’t stop stalking her.

Anthony said in court on Monday that he is sorry for what he’s done. He said he really loved Valarie and did not intend to murder her but it just happened.

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