April 28 top stories

It is April 28. Here are today’s top stories.

7th grader controls bus after driver faints

A seventh-grader in Warren, Michigan is hailed as a hero for taking control of a school bus after the bus driver passed out due to some kind of health issue.

A video shows the incident. The bus driver, before she passed out, was driving and seemed to struggle. She said in a radio that she was feeling dizzy and may have to pull over. Her head then slumped and the bus was still moving. The seventh-grader walked up to the driver’s seat and pushed on the brake and yelled for someone to call 911.

CBS News said first responders came to the bus and gave medical attention to the driver. The students on the bus were moved to a different bus.

A local councilman said the student’s name is Dillon Reeves and that the city of Warren is very proud of him.

Ancient canoe found in North Carolina

A team of archaeologists, volunteers, and members of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe in North Carolina recovered an ancient canoe that is estimated to be 1,000 years old. An image shows scuba divers and others carefully carrying a long and narrow canoe from the shore of a lake. It is 28 feet long.

The canoe was first discovered by teenagers who were swimming in the lake in 2021. Now the canoe will be handed over to the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology. It will be studied in a lab. The chief of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe said they are looking forward to examining it and going back to their elders and learning more about their Native American history.

Adult cigarette smoking at all-time low

AP News said according to data from the CDC, U.S. cigarette smoking dropped to an all-time low last year with only 1 in 9 adults saying they were current smokers.

In the mid-1960s, 42% of adults were smokers, so it’s a huge drop in the number of people who smoke. AP said the drop is due to “cigarette taxes, tobacco product price hikes, smoking bans and changes in the social acceptability of lighting up in public.”

About 1 in 17 adults said they used electric cigarettes and the number is increasing.

Russian missiles hit Ukrainian cities

BBC News reported that there was a wave of Russian air strikes on cities across Ukraine, including Kyiv, that has left at least 19 people dead.

Most of the deaths happened in the city of Uman — 17 people, including a child, were killed when missiles hit several apartments. One building collapsed.

In the city of Dnipro, a woman and her three-year-old daughter were killed.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said Russia is evil and that this evil can be stopped by weapons.

BBC said Ukrainian forces said they are ready to launch a military offensive with new equipment and tanks that they recently received from Western allies.


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4 young men arrested over Texas prom shooting

Police in Jasper, Texas announced they arrested an 18-year-old man and three 19-year-old men over a shooting that injured 11 people at an after-prom party at a home. About 250 people were at the home when gunfire broke out overnight Saturday.

Police said the shooting was part of an ongoing dispute between two groups of teenagers that finally came to a head.

Police said the four suspects were charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Colorado governor signs gun control bills

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed four gun control bills today. One of them raised the purchasing age for any gun from 18 to 21. Another established a three-day waiting period between the purchase and receipt of a gun.

AP News said gun rights groups have already filed lawsuits seeking to stop these two new laws.

Gov. Polis said, “Coloradoans deserve to be safe in our communities, in our schools, in our grocery stores, in our nightclubs.”

AP News pointed out that four months ago, there was a mass shooting at an LGBTQ club in Colorado Springs. There have been several horrific mass shootings that happened in Colorado.

Republicans who opposed the new laws said it was unconstitutional and that it would impede Colorado residents’ ability to defend themselves. Some felt that the age increase from 18 to 21 was discrimination.

Another gun law is an enhanced red flag law, which allows those working closely with youth and adults, such as doctors or mental health professionals to petition a judge to temporarily remove someone’s firearm. Previously only law enforcement or family members could ask a judge to do this.

Pence testifies about Trump’s 2020 election activities

Axios said former Vice President Mike Pence testified on Thursday before a grand jury investigating Donald Trump and others’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Axios said this is the first time in the modern political era that a vice president has given testimony in a criminal investigation on a president they served alongside.

This Department of Justice investigation is led by special counsel Jack Smith. He is probing events leading up to the Jan 6. riot.

Pence is a key witness because of his obvious proximity to Trump and because he was under heavy pressure by Trump to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win.

CBS News said Pence testified for over seven hours.

That is all the top stories for this week. Have a nice weekend and stay with the light.









