Deaf production of a “Raisin In the Sun”


During our holiday break, we usually like to catch up with TV shows and movies, right? Well, take your opportunity to catch this short film, “A Raisin In The Sun” that is directed by Michelle Banks and Nayte Paxton. “A Raisin In The Sun” is based on a play.

We reached out to one of the co-directors Michelle Banks to share some things about this short film.


I am the artistic director of VOCA: Visionary Of the Creative Arts based in Washington D.C. We chose this play “A Raisin In The Sun” because it is personally one of my favorite plays. I just love that play. Lorriane Hansberry is amazing. I look up to her intelligence, her creativity, her artistic expression of writing this play. She was the first Black woman to get recognized for her excellent work. Her play was the first about a Black family on Broadway. 

I felt that there was not any deaf production about this play. So, I thought VOCA would be perfect to produce this play and we did it. 
VOCA was supposed to have a full production of the play “A Raisin In The Sun” during April of this year. Unfortunately due to COVID, the production was put on hold. So,  I was trying to figure out how I would still present this production. I was thinking possibly through a virtual platform like  Zoom or something. All of sudden, something came to mind. Why don’t we do something different? Like make a short film! This would mean I could pick some scenes and put it all together. It would not be the full story, but to give the audience a sense, a taste, to see a sneak preview of “A Raisin In The Sun.” There is a possibility of having a full production when the COVID situation settles. With that being said, I went ahead to produce a short film. Nayte Paxton, the co-director with me, she is a wonderful person to work with. So, we were figuring out which actors to work with and which scenes to pick. It all worked out perfectly. We have rehearsed since probably at the end of October through Zoom. Then finally we got on set and began to shoot on the day of December 5th. It took all day. Teddy from Def Lens Media worked with us with filming. It was a beautiful experience. It was a beautiful group that made this happen. 

Your support would be greatly appreciated.


RENCA: Thank you Michelle. I personally watched it myself and enjoyed it. It was great how they were able to pick scenes and make it all in one setting. I look forward to the day that they are able to do a full play –“A Raisin In The Sun.” The ticket cost is $20. When you buy a ticket, you will get a link to enter in order to watch the short film.  All of the money will go to supporting training programs, etc for BIPOC Deaf artists. This short film opened up on December 24th and will continue through December 27th.  So, what are you doing tonight? Get your ticket and watch.  

Online viewing tickets:

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