Monday, December 28 top news briefs

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth. It is Monday, December 28. Hope your holiday break and Christmas went well. Here are top news briefs.

Police in Nashville said on Christmas Day, a 63-year-old man named Anthony Q. Warner carried out a suicide bombing in his R.V. that was parked in downtown Nashville. The bomb killed Warner and injured three other people. Many buildings were damaged, including a building that was a network hub for AT&T. There were communication outages with no service for several days.

News reports said prior to the explosion at 6:29 a.m., there were sounds of gunshots coming from the R.V. There were then warnings emitted via loudspeaker in a female computerized voice that said people should evacuate because there was a bomb inside. The voice then emitted a 15-minute countdown. Police officers who responded to the scene were able to evacuate homes in the area. Two of the officers inspected the R.V., but were able to be at a safe enough distance when the explosion occurred that they didn't get seriously injured. Only Warner died.

Investigators say they found human remains at the scene and DNA tests indicated it was Warner. The R.V.'s VIN number also said it was linked to Warner's name. Investigators said they believe there was nobody else involved in the blast.

It is unknown what Warner's motive was for setting off the suicide bombing. News reports said he was a reclusive type of person. It is also not yet known what kind of materials Warner used for the bomb and how he was able to build it.

The FBI said they have not labeled the bombing as "domestic terrorism" because they have not found an ideology for it to be associated with. That means the FBI hasn't found anything in Warner's life that would indicate he had certain beliefs or views that would motivate him to want to carry out a bombing.

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Actress Lori Loughlin was released today from a federal prison in California for her role in the college cheating scandal. This scandal was uncovered in March 2019 in which over 50 people, mostly wealthy, famous, or powerful people, were accused of paying a man named William Rick Singer to bribe or use fraud to get their children into top college programs. Loughlin and her husband were convicted of paying Singer to get her two daughters into the University of Southern California as athletic recruits for USC's crew team, although the daughters weren't crew athletes. So they were caught and convicted of the bribery. Her husband is still serving a five-month term.

On Saturday night in Rockford, Illinois, a Green Beret who was on leave is accused of murdering three people at a bowling alley. His name is Duke Webb (37). Police said he shot and killed a 73-year-old man, a 69-year-old man, and a 65-year-old man, and wounded a 14-year-old boy, a 16-year-old girl and a 62-year-old man. Police said they believe it is a random shooting because Webb had no prior meeting or any kind of relationship. The bowling alley was closed because of coronavirus but the bar and restaurant was open. The Army said they were shocked and would assist in the investigation.

On Sunday, there were 1,230 new deaths from Covid-19, which is lower than the very high numbers we saw the past two weeks. There were 152,000 new cases yesterday, which is also lower. However, the numbers might spike again because of people who traveled and visited others for Christmas. The TSA said they screened over 1 million people traveling through airports each of the past six days. There was a spike in the U.S. after the Thanksgiving holiday, so it is likely we'll see a spike starting next week. The Covid-19 vaccines are continuing to roll out across the country among healthcare workers.

That's all the top news briefs for today. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.