Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump appears with bandage over ear

Donald Trump appeared in public with a white bandage over his ear last night. It was his first appearance after surviving an assassination attempt on Saturday in Pennsylvania. The crowd at the RNC chanted, “We love Trump!” Many in the audience were emotional because Trump showed courage in appearing in public despite almost being killed.

News story reference: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-rnc-first-appearance-assassination-attempt/


Trump picks J.D. Vance as VP

Trump picked J.D. Vance, a new Senator from Ohio, to be his vice president. He is 39 years old. Vance is a former Marine and author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy,” which is about his upbringing in the Appalachian region and seeing its poverty and struggles. Vance used to be opposed to Trump in 2016 but has changed to become a strong supporter of his. He shares many of the same conservative views.

Vance replaces Trump’s former VP Mike Pence (a former governor of Indiana). Pence was very loyal to Trump but had a falling out after he refused to block the Congressional certification of the 2020 election that Joe Biden won. Trump wanted him to block it based on allegations of fraud but he refused to. Now Vance has replaced him as VP.

News story reference: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/15/trump-jd-vance-vice-president


Sen. Menendez found guilty of corruption

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was found guilty of corruption. He was accused of accepting bribes to benefit business owners and foreign governments — Egypt and Qatar. Some of the bribes were gold bars. Menendez would provide political favors in return such as helping businesses or intervening into investigations. Menendez may be expelled from the Senate and faces decades in prison.

News story reference: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/16/bob-menendez-corruption-trial-verdict


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[Sponsored video from DDH] If you or someone you know is Deaf or Hard of Hearing and needs emotional support related to a disaster, the Disaster Distress Helpline offers a direct videophone option for American Sign Language (ASL) users.

This 24/7 service is staffed by trained crisis workers fluent in ASL. You can access it by:Dialing 1-800-985-5990 on any videophone-enabled device.

Visiting the DDH website at disasterdistress.samhsa.gov & clicking "ASL Now"Don't hesitate to reach out if you or a loved one is struggling. Help is available.


Cave on the Moon

There is a cave on the moon, according to scientists who studied radar measurements. The cave may be 130 feet long. It’s a big deal because it could be a shelter for future astronauts who want to stay on the moon for extended periods of time. It is easier to use a cave than to build a new structure. The cave can provide protection from solar radiation or micrometeorite strikes. The cave is located in the area of the deepest pit on the moon, called the Sea of Tranquility. It is around 250 miles away from where U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago.

News story reference: https://apnews.com/article/moon-caves-nasa-astronauts-2dc57751f41a6e24f377c2259e8668ba


Father and daughter dies while hiking in Utah

A 52-year-old father and his 23-year-old daughter tragically died when they got lost while hiking in very hot temperatures in Utah. This happened at the Canyonlands National Park. Temperatures were at least 100 degrees. They ran out of water. Their bodies were found on Saturday morning. The father, Albino Espinoza, was the owner of a well-known Mexican restaurant in Green Bay. The National Park Service advised hikers to bring plenty of water and avoid strenuous activity during midday heat.

News story reference: https://www.nbc26.com/news/local-news/el-serape-owner-daughter-identified-in-canyonlands-hiking-tragedy