Former NAD president accuses new NAD president of stalking, harassment

Last week, the former NAD President Jenny Buechner posted a vlog on her personal Facebook wall that accused the new NAD President, who is Lisa Rose, of stalking and harassing her when they were at Gallaudet University 20 years ago. Buechner said it got so bad that she had to withdraw while she was a graduate student and that she felt trapped because Rose was in a position of power as a dorm CRE (Coordinator of Residence Education), which is the top administrator for any particular dorm building. Rose was the CRE of Ballard West (formerly Krug Hall). Buechner also said Rose fostered a toxic environment within the NAD after she joined the NAD Board in 2022.

Rose defeated Buechner in an election among NAD delegates at the NAD Conference in Chicago during the first week of July. Buechner said she’s sharing this story not because she lost the election but because she wanted to share her trauma from that time and express concerns about the person who’s now leading the NAD.

I’ve reached out to the NAD and President Rose. Rose said that while she’s happy to answer questions about NAD and its activities, she is “unable to address those of a personal nature.”

I was able to talk with a Gallaudet alumna who attended the university at the same time as Buechner and Rose. I asked this person, who I will keep anonymous, if she remembered there being serious issues between Buechner and Rose. This person said she remembered that Rose, who is a lesbian, would be very aggressive in how she pursued Buechner and that it caused her mental health to decline. This person said she remembers that this was the only reason why Buechner left Gallaudet.


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In a call with Buechner, she said she felt that she lost the NAD presidency because she got the brunt of the anger from delegates who were frustrated at the various controversies that the NAD went through the past year. She said she did not talk negatively about Rose during her campaign to win reelection or at the conference because she wanted to honor a policy where a candidate was not supposed to talk negatively about another candidate.

Both Buechner and the Gallaudet alumna I talked with said they felt Rose acted inappropriately when she was a CRE because she would often invite students to her room.

I followed up with Rose to provide a response to the more detailed information — also on how she would deal with this perception — but did not get a response.

The NAD has not posted anything since the conference.

Link to Jenny Buechner’s vlog: