The Daily Moth 12-10-19

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Tuesday, December 10. Ready for three top news briefs?

The first — today House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment — which are similar to charges — against President Trump. They are abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

CBS News reported that Trump is only the fourth president in U.S. history to have articles of impeachment drafted against him, and that it is likely he will be impeached by the House of Representatives.

The House would have to hold a full vote on the two articles before Trump is impeached, and it is expected there will be a vote in the next few days. If the Democratic-majority House passes it, it will go to the Republican-majority Senate for a trial.

President Trump tweeted that it is “sheer Political Madness” to impeach a president that has shown results including perhaps the strongest economy in our country’s history. He also said, “WITCH HUNT!”

The second news — although it seems like House Democrats and President Trump can’t get along, they did agree on a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada called the USMCA, short for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

There was a ceremony in Mexico City with top officials from each country. The USMCA will replace the former trade deal, the NAFTA.

The third news — the Detroit Free Press reported that over $1.6 million worth of recreational cannabis products were sold in the first eight days after retail sales started. It means the state of Michigan will get over $270,000 in taxes.

Voters in Michigan approved recreational marijuana in 2018 and just started accepting applications for business licenses in November. But most of Michigan’s communities — more than 1,400 out of 1,771 communities — said they do not want to allow marijuana businesses in town.

The fourth news — Sanna Marin just became the world’s youngest serving prime minister when she became the PM of Finland. She is 34 years old.

That is all for today from Italy. See you tomorrow and stay with the light!



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