Recap of Trump vs Biden Debate

I watched the “debate” between President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden last night and took notes and I will give a recap. 

It did not feel like a debate because President Trump kept on talking, kept on interrupting Biden, and would argue with the moderator Chris Wallace whenever he tried to tell him to stop talking. 

The debate started out normally, but within a few minutes, after Trump kept on interrupting,  Biden said, “Would you shut up, man” and did a “blah blah blah” hand gesture. That didn’t work, as Trump continued to talk over both men for the entire debate. 

Now in this recap, I will go over what both candidates said according to the topics that the moderator brought up. 

The first topic — the Supreme Court. 

Trump said it’s okay for him to go ahead with the nomination of a new Supreme Court justice because he won the election and he is president for four years, and there is still plenty of time to nominate her. 

Biden said the American people have a right to make a decision and that we are in the middle of an election so we should wait. 

The second topic — the coronavirus pandemic. 

Biden said Trump has no plan on the coronavirus and that he made a promise that the virus would be gone by Easter and that you could inject bleach in your arm. 

Trump said that he was sarcastic (about the bleach) and said that Biden could have never done what he did in the coronavirus response and that Biden would have lost more than the amount of deaths we’ve had. 

Biden said Trump is a fool and irresponsible or hosting rallies. 

Trump said that the states that have shut down because of the coronavirus makes it feel almost like a prison. 

The third topic — income taxes. 

The moderator asked Trump whether it was true that he paid only $750 in income taxes in 2016 and 2017. 

Trump said he paid millions of dollars in taxes. 

Biden said, “Show us your tax returns!” 

Both candidates got into an argument about Biden’s son, Hunter, and his work with an Ukrainian energy company called Burisma. Trump criticized Hunter for getting $3.5 million while Biden was the Vice-President, suggesting corruption. Biden said it was proven false that there was corruption. Trump said Hunter was a cocaine user, and Biden responded that he was proud of his son for overcoming a drug problem. As the two argued, Biden said, “It’s hard to get a word in with this clown — excuse me — this person.” 

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The fourth topic is protests against racism. 

Biden said Trump called members of the Ku Klux Klan and anti-semitic groups “very fine people” and that he used tear gas to go to a church for a photo opportunity with a bible. 

Trump said Biden has no support from police and there is no law enforcement group that has endorsed him for president.  

Biden said he does not support defunding the police but that police needs more help in dealing with situations that require mental health support. 

Trump said Biden never called for a stop to protests in which people lit fires. 

The moderator asked Trump whether he would condemn white supremacists and tell them to stand down and not contribute to the violence during protests. 

Trump said almost everything violent he saw came from the left wing and told the Proud Boys group to “stand back and stand by.” 

The fifth topic is climate change. 

Trump said the forest fires in California was because there was a forest management problem. He also said strict controls over emissions was not a good idea because they drove up energy costs. 

Biden said his plans on expanding clean or renewable energy would generate jobs and help with climate change. He said the wildfires and hurricanes are making an economic dent in the U.S. 

Trump said Biden supports the Green New Deal, which would cost $100 trillion, and that it was the dumbest idea. 

Biden said he does not support the Green New Deal and that Trump’s answer to hurricanes was to drop a nuclear bomb in them. 

Trump said he never said that at all. 

The fifth and last topic is on the election and on whether either candidate would accept the results (win or lose). 

Trump said the election would be rigged because of mail-in ballots and that he would depend on the Supreme Court to decide the election because of potential fraud with ballots.

Biden said he would accept the election results. He said people should vote and decide and that it doesn’t matter what Trump wants. He said Trump is afraid of counting the votes. 

Trump said he urges people to watch the polls because there are election officials that cheat or throw ballots in the river.

That’s the recap of the debate. There’s a lot more that was said that I didn’t cover, but I’ve tried to summarize it. The next debate will be next week between the Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris in Utah. 

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