President Donald Trump refuses to accept election loss

President Donald Trump is refusing to accept that he lost the election and has continued to claim there were illegal votes that tipped the election in favor of his opponent, Joe Biden.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) said President Trump has every right to look into allegations and request recounts.

Only four Republican senators have congratulated Biden’s victory.

Other Republican senators have backed Trump in his refusal to concede defeat. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said if Republicans did not challenge the U.S. election system, there would never be another Republican president again.

All major U.S. networks, who have called elections for politicians for years based on counting the results that come in from polls nationwide in various states and districts, have all said Joe Biden is the projected winner of the 2020 election.

However, President Trump said there is widespread voter fraud and that there were tens of thousands of illegal ballots for Biden. However, he has not provided evidence. It is also a very serious accusation because voter fraud is a crime that can bring severe fines or jail time.

Axios reported that the Trump team is ready to fight the election results for as long as it takes, even until Christmas. Axios said there is likely to be weeks of drama and distractions from allowing an orderly transition process to take place.

George W. Bush, the 43rd president, released a statement on Sunday that congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris for their election victory. Bush said Trump has the right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges, and said the American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair.

Bush is the only living Republican president. He was himself the subject of a controversial election. He defeated Democratic challenger Al Gore in 2000 after the Supreme Court said Bush won a recount in Florida by only 537 votes.

What is different in 2020? Biden is ahead by thousands of votes in five states. The closest state is in Georgia, where Biden is ahead by about 11,500 votes.

USA Today said a recount is unlikely to change the election outcome because of those margins and that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

USA Today did an interview with Al Gore’s attorney from the 2000 election — David Boies — and he said if Trump wants to get the Supreme Court involved, there must be a federal or a constitutional issue. Boies said allegations of voter fraud or not giving Republican poll workers meaningful access to watch the counting of ballots are local or state issues that the Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction over. The Supreme Court would need to become involved if there was a very tight, narrow race that hinged on one state.

The Trump campaign and their allies have filed lawsuits in several states. In Pennsylvania, the Trump team is arguing that a three-day extension for a deadline to accept mail-in and absentee votes is unconstitutional.

In Arizona, a lawsuit was filed in Maricopa County that alleged voters there were given Sharpie pens to vote, which caused poll machines to flag them as defective.

In Michigan, a judge threw out a lawsuit that said poll workers did not have meaningful access, but the Trump campaign is appealing.

In Nevada, Republicans said there were problems with computer programs to analyze signatures on ballots and wanted vote counting to stop. Republicans also were concerned about 3,000 nonresidents voting in the state, but they may have been because they are members of the military or university students. Biden has a 15,000 vote lead over Trump in Arizona with 98% of polls reporting.

Trump has tweeted that he won Georgia and that Wisconsin is looking good.

Official election results from Wisconsin shows Biden ahead by over 20,000 votes.

So, we might see this election drama play out till Christmas.