Monday, November 9 top news briefs

Here are three top news briefs from the weekend.

Alex Trebek passes away at 80

On Sunday, Alex Trebek, the host for Jeopardy! for the past 37 years, passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 80. He announced his cancer diagnosis in the spring of 2019 and provided updates over the past several months describing his battle with cancer and his feelings of sadness and hope while continuing to host the show. He will still be on the air until December 25 as he had already taped multiple shows. Trebek leaves behind a wife and three children.

Pfizer says its Covid-19 vaccine 90% effective

Today Pfizer announced that their coronavirus vaccine trials showed their vaccine was 90% effective in preventing individuals from contracting the virus. Pfizer also said there were no serious safety concerns and they would go to the FDA by the end of the month for an emergency use authorization. Pfizer said over 43,000 people were a part of the vaccine trials and that almost all of them received a second dose of the vaccine. Out of that group, there were only 164 confirmed Covid-19 cases. This news sent U.S. stock markets to soar, but Zoom's stock went down.

Covid-19 infections at all-time worst

On Saturday, there were 128,000 new cases of Covid-19 in the U.S. That is the highest number ever, that's the record now. On Sunday there were 103,600 new cases. We've had five straight days of over 100,000 new cases. The New York Times reported that Vice President Mike Pence plans to host a White House Coronavirus Task Force meeting. We'll see if they will provide an interpreter to abide by a judge's order that was a result of a NAD lawsuit. In separate but related news, the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and five staffers tested positive for Covid-19, which means this is yet another outbreak in the White House.

President-elect Joe Biden said in a speech on Saturday night that he will assemble his coronavirus task force beginning today. Biden said we can't repair the economy or bring back normal everyday life until we control the virus.

That is all the top news briefs for this morning. We'll post another video about the controversy surrounding President Trump's refusal to accept his election loss. Also check out our coverage of the Mavrick Fisher murder trial. Stay with the light.