Moth on One-Week Break

Alex (Daily Moth): Hello! I’m building a new studio space. It’s under construction. It’s exciting and I’ll have a permanent space for “The Daily Moth.” I want to let you know that this week, I will be out of town. That’s my dog. I’ll be out of town for a week. I’m going on a vacation with my family and it’s something we’ve planned for a while. So next week (this week) there will be no “Daily Moth” news. But if something happens, something that’s very important, I will do a video. You can look at our Daily Moth Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for any videos. If it’s just a normal news day, there will be no news. So our team can have a rest for a week. We’ll be back after August 3 or 4, that week. We’ll be back to normal after that! Have a nice week and stay with the light!