Friday, September 4 top news briefs

Hello. Here are top news briefs for today. 

The U.S. economy added 1.4 million jobs in August. We’re slowly recovering from the over 20 million jobs that was lost in April because of the coronavirus pandemic and shutdowns. The current unemployment rate is 8.4%.

On Thursday, law enforcement in Oregon shot and killed a man, Michael Reinoehl, who was charged with murdering a right-wing protester, Aaron Danielson, in Portland on Saturday.  U.S. marshals said they and a group of police officers found Reinoehl in Olympia, Washington and tried to peacefully arrest him, but when they saw that he had a firearm, they shot at him. 

“The Atlantic” published an article that said President Donald Trump made remarks to staffers that U.S. soldiers who died during World War I, who were buried at a cemetery, were “losers” and “suckers” — in 2018 when he was on his trip in France. The article quoted anonymous sources and said Trump did not want to lower flags to half-staff after Sen. John McCain died because he was a “loser.” President Trump said it was a false story. Trump said it was a terrible thing to do to him because he has done more for the military than almost anyone else. 

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) was criticized for going to a salon in San Francisco without a mask on, which is a violation of San Francisco guidelines that required the appointments to be conducted outdoors only. There is security footage of it. Pelosi said it was “setup.” Pelosi said she was told by the stylist that she was allowed to come in. The owner of the salon, Erica Kious, said it was not true that she tried to set up Pelosi and criticized her for using the salon while workers and customers couldn’t use it. People donated over $130,000 in support of Kious. 

A professor at George Washington University, Jessica Krug, admitted on Thursday that she lied about being Black for many years — she is actually white and Jewish. She said she is “cancelling herself.” The university said they are investigating. It has sparked a discussion online. 

In Japan, a large ship carrying almost 6,000 cows capsized and sank during a Category 4 typhoon (hurricane). The ship was hit by a large wave. Two crew members were rescued, but 40 are missing. One crew member was recovered from the water but died. There is another typhoon that is forecast to pass the search area, so the rescue efforts are complicated. Most of the crew are from the Philippines.

That’s all the news briefs I have for today. Check out our Deaf News videos. Have a good weekend and stay with the light.