Calvin Young arrested for domestic violence

Calvin Young, who is well-known in the Deaf community as the founder and host of “Seek the World,” was arrested Wednesday evening in Austin, Texas and charged with “assault causing bodily injury to a family member.” 

According to online records, the alleged assault happened on August 10 in Austin and a warrant was issued on August 24.

He was booked last night in the Travis County Jail but was released today on a $2,500 bond. His case is now in the court system.

[Screenshot of an image from the Travis County Clerk showing that a “Young, Calvin” was charged with “assault causes bodily injury family violence.”] 

In Texas law, family violence means a person is accused of causing bodily injury to a spouse, a dating partner (such as a boyfriend or a girlfriend), a family member, or a roommate. Online documents do not specify what relationship Young had with the alleged victim.

“The Daily Moth” has reached out to Young for comment. 

The charge is a Class A misdemeanor and Young faces up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $4,000.

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