Deaf Ukrainian family impacted by Russian missile attack

On Saturday, there was a Russian missile that struck and destroyed an apartment in Ukraine, killing at least 40 people. One of the survivors is a deaf woman, but she may have lost her husband and child. Here is a report from a Ukrainian-American, Arkady Belozovsky.

Arkady Belozovsky: The world was shocked at what happened in the city of Dnipro. This is how you sign it. It is in eastern Ukraine. Most of the people who live in Dnipro speak either Russian or Ukrainian, but mostly Russian. The missile was an X-22 supersonic weapon that was launched from an aircraft. The apartment had many floors and was large. The missile hit the middle of the building and there was only rubble left in the area. There was a deaf family there. During that time, people were finished celebrating an Orthodox New Year’s celebration with their families. There were different occasions when it happened. A deaf woman survived. Her name is Katya Kulak-Zelenskaya. Her last name happens to be the same as the Ukrainian president. She was lying in the rubble in the cold for 20 hours. She couldn’t communicate. Rescuers typically yell and listen for a response. But there was no communication. There was no way to enter the apartment. Rescuers had to climb up or use equipment to find a way up. They were able to bring out Katya. It’s on the news and there is a video showing the rescue.

[Video clip from Global News]

Her husband, Lesha, and her son, who is just a baby, about one-year-old, are missing. The mother was taken away to be reanimated. This means that her body and her mind were broken down, probably due to the cold. Latest reports say the family may have been killed. It’s heartbreaking. What is strange is that the street where the apartment is on was named in honor of the victory during World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany. But now Russia has attacked the same street.

Image of tweet about Katya and her son

Alex: Thank you, Arkady for the report. It is heartbreaking to see how Katya suffered and that she may have lost her husband and child.


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Dnipro’s mayor said today that the death toll has increased to 45, including six children. This is one of the deadliest attacks of the war.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said in response to the attack, “Eternal memory to all whose lives were taken away by Russian terror! The world must stop evil.”