Deaf news briefs: Ant-Man movie with ASL access; Metallica music videos with ASL interpretation

We have two quick Deaf news briefs related to entertainment.

The first one is that Disney+ has released Marvel Studio’s “Ant-Man” movie with ASL access as an option. This was a collaborative project between several companies, including a non-profit named RespectAbility. Douglas Ridloff, an ASL consultant who has worked with the Marvel films such as “Eternals” and “Hawkeye”, also joined the team to work with the ASL performer in the Ant-Man movie. That ASL performer is a Deaf person named Jac Cook.

In an article published under the Marvel website, Delbert Whetter, the Vice Chair on the Board of Directors of RespectAbility, quoted on having a Deaf creative team for the Ant-Man movie:


“The Deaf creatives on the team, which include Douglas Ridloff and ASL performer, Jac Cook, exceeded expectations as they set out to communicate Ant-Man’s entertaining dialogue and sound effects in a manner befitting Marvel’s distinctive style, subversive humor, and high-velocity action.“]

A Deaf actress, Shaylee Mansfield, posted a short clip of her raw reaction when she saw the ASL option for this movie. We will show you a short clip.

[CREDIT to: @shayleemansfield]

The link to see the full video by Shaylee is posted in this transcript. For the movie, you can go to Disney+, find the movie “Ant-Man”, click on “Extras” and then you will see the ASL option on the 2nd row.


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The second news brief is that Metallica, a heavy metal band, has partnered up with Amber G. Productions and DPAN to release 12 music videos from the album “72 Seasons” with ASL interpretation. They have released one already, and they will release the rest by April 25th.

Metallica posted this announcement, and a Deaf person named Tom Osbourne, who is a hardcore fan of Metallica, was part of that announcement.


You can check out the first music video released recently. We included a link to their YouTube list and this will be the same link when they release the rest of the music videos on April 25th.

It seems that ASL is becoming more included in the entertainment side of the world. We look forward to seeing more of that.



