Deaf Humor: Referee signals

Alex: I am fond of watching sports. When I see referees on TV…

(Video clip of football referees walking on field)

I sometimes visualize if their signals were translated into ASL, it could be funny. I’ll give you examples.

Happy New Year!

(Football referee signals “false start”)

Did you lock the door?

(Football referee signals “personal foul”)

What time is it now?

(Football referee signals, “three”)

Where did you put the table?

(Football referee signals, “delay of game”)

Are you from England?

(Hockey referee signals “holding”)

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Should I go ahead with it?

(Football referee signals “decline”)

Should I leave it?

(Football referee signals “intentional grounding”)

Which country are you from?

(Football referee signals “offsides”)

Oh, Russia. I thought it was signed this way?

Do you have more ideas?

The BulbGuest User