Deaf Humor: Part 2 of Funny Referee Signs

Alex: Part two of funny referee signs!

[Clip of referee blowing his whistle]

Alex: Where is the hat?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to “hat”]

Alex: How big is your TV?

[Clip of referee gesturing VAR]

Alex: Are you tall or short?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to “short”]

Alex: Do you prefer to be up close or further away?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to “close up”]

Alex: What do you do at church?

[Clip of referee gesturing “safety” signal, which is similar to pray]

Alex: Are you relaxing now?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to hands relaxed behind the head]

Alex: Do you mind banging on the table to get the deaf guy’s attention?

[Clip of wrestling referee banging on the mat three times]

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Alex: How do you sign “hips?”

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal that appears to be “hips.”]

Alex: I can’t hear. Do you have a pen and paper?

[Clip of tennis referee on a seat writing on a pen and paper]

Alex: Are you happy or mad?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to “mad”]

Alex: Do you prefer bowling or golf?

[Clip of referee animatedly gesturing a signal similar to golf]

Alex: How about you, bowling or golf?

[Clip of referee gesturing a signal similar to bowling]

Alex: Bye bye!

[Clip of referee gesturing to go, get out!]

The BulbGuest User