Deaf Bing: BLUNT

Deaf person waving to get hearing roommate’s attention.

Deaf person says “I signed up for a dating app so my first date is tonight. What do you think of the shirt?”

The hearing roommate responds “well, ahem do you like it?”

The Deaf person responds, “Okay, but I am asking you what you think?” The hearing roommate responds “Well, do you feel comfortable? I mean that little pink thread is cute.”

The Deaf person says “Ok fine, but what do you think of the shirt?”

Hearing roommate responds “uhh..err..yeah…so..”

The Deaf person decides to call the Deaf roommate who is in the kitchen.

The Deaf roommate responds “What?! For the FIRST date?!” The hearing roommate gasps at the reaction.

The Deaf person responds, “Yes, first date.”

The Deaf roommate responds, “Ah..heck no. It doesn't even fit!”

The hearing roommate is still shocked.

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The Deaf roommate says “Seriously?! Noo! Change to a different shirt! And newsflash, the holidays are over!”

The hearing roommate gasps again.

The Deaf person says, “and that is blunt…benefits of having a Deaf roommate.”

The BulbGuest User