CSD Riverside vs MSD football recap

Renca Dunn, Daily Moth Reporter: The Maryland School for the Deaf football team played against California School for the Deaf, Riverside. It is called “Clash of the Champions.” It was an 8-man football game. CSDR hosted this and the City of Riverside provided live streaming for this game that you could watch on your TV. This game between MSD and CSDR is not their first time playing each other. This is their 4th time. It’s like a game when the East Coast meets the West Coast. Here are a few screenshots from CSDR’s Instagram explaining their brief history.


Now this is what their virtual program book looks like.


Here are some quick clips from the game.

[video clips from RiversideTV and CSDR Athletics]

And what is the final score of the game?


Congratulations to CSDR for winning the Clash of the Champions.

Link to game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38u4Uw3bRS4


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