Beloved “Deaf Santa” Charles Graves temporarily stops Christmas events due to health struggles
A news outlet in Texas,, did a report about a beloved “Deaf Santa” named Charles Graves. He is well-known in the Austin area for being a “Deaf Santa” during the Christmas season, where he would meet with Deaf children. This year was supposed to be his sixth as a “Deaf Santa,” but unfortunately, he had to temporarily stop due to serious health issues. He has acute pancreatitis that was caused by a gallstone. The report said Graves was hospitalized in August and had to spend weeks there. He is still having serious health struggles. Graves’ wife, Kari, told the news outlet that they have experienced frustrations with interpreting service at the hospital with getting no interpreters or being only provided with VRI services, which they say is not effective. The Graves family and friends started a GoFundMe to help with medical bills that are not covered by insurance and additional expenses. The GoFundMe’s latest update on November 21 is that Graves had to go back to the hospital after being released due to blood clots in his left lung and an elevated heart rate. Our hearts go out to “Deaf Santa” Charles Graves and his family and loved ones during this time. The article and GoFundMe links are in the description and transcript.
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