Wednesday, October 7 top news briefs

It is Wednesday, October 7. Here are today’s top news briefs. 

Stephen Miller, a top advisor to President Trump, tested positive for the coronavirus last night. Miller advises Trump on immigration policies and is a speechwriter. The coronavirus outbreak at the White House has hit at least 10 staffers. 

Tonight’s vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City will have a plexiglass partition that will divide Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris. They will be seated on desks and be more than 12 feet apart. Sen. Harris’ team made the request, and Pence’s team objected, but later agreed to the plexiglass. 

The White House physician Sean Conley said President Trump has been symptom-free for over 24 hours and have not needed oxygen since the last time he received it at the Walter Reed Medical Center. The doctor also said Trump has developed antibodies in his blood. 

Trump worked out of the Oval Office this afternoon, which means that Trump is not isolating himself in his bedroom. News reports said White House staff wore PPE and that it was required of visitors.

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Musician Eddie Van Halen passed away on Tuesday at the age of 65 from throat cancer. He co-founded the rock band Van Halen and was considered one of the greatest electric guitar players of all time. 

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who is charged with killing George Floyd, was released from jail today after he posted a $1 million bond. USA Today said Chauvin got out on a “surety bond,” which requires someone to sign an agreement to pay the bond if Chauvin violates the terms of his release. It is not known who signed the surety bond. He is due in court on March 8, 2021. 

A 25-year-old man who wanted to take pictures at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Arizona fell over 250 feet off a cliff to his death on Monday. His name was Orlando Serrano-Arzola. A witness said the man fell about 100 feet and then slid about 150 feet. First responders rappelled to the body and confirmed that the person was deceased, and shockingly, found bones that belonged to someone else, but it is not known who the person is nor how long the remains were there. There is an investigation. 

That is all the news briefs for today. Check out our other videos on Moth. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.