Wednesday, October 14 top news briefs

It is Wednesday, October 14. Here are today’s top news briefs. 

There will be no second presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden (that was supposed to take place this week), but there will be town halls hosted by NBC for Trump and ABC for Biden at the same time on Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET. What this means is that if you don’t have two TV’s next to each other at home, you will be forced to switch between the channels to see what both candidates have to say. 

The ABC’s town hall with Biden was already planned in advance after Trump said he refused to participate in a virtual debate in Miami. The NBC announcement came out today. 

Both Trump and Biden are scheduled to meet for a debate on October 22 in Nashville. This will be the second (it was supposed to be the third) and final debate. 

CTV News reported that an elderly Dutch woman died after becoming infected with Covid-19 a second time and that she is the first known person who died from a reinfection. She was 89 years old and was already fighting cancer. She was hospitalized for five days during her first infection, but her symptoms subsided and was discharged. Then 59 days later, during a new round of chemotherapy treatments, she developed Covid-19 symptoms of a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. She died two weeks later. 

A 25-year-old man in Nevada said he became re-infected with the coronavirus — his first positive test was in April, and then he had another positive test in June. Before that, there is a 33-year-old man in Hong Kong who became re-infected over four months after his first positive test. 

So, what this means is that re-infection is possible. Researchers with the Lancet medical journal said there are at least four individuals worldwide with re-infection. What this means is that if someone recovered from the coronavirus, they are not guaranteed an immunity. 

The New York Post did a report that said it received access to files and photographs in a laptop that apparently belonged to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden. The Post said the laptop was dropped off at a computer repair shop in Delaware because it had water damage and it was abandoned. There is an email purportedly from a head of a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma — where Hunter used to work and received large sums of money from — thanking Hunter for the opportunity to meet his father (the then-vice-president) in Washington D.C. in April 2015. There were also photographs of Hunter in a bathtub and sleeping on a bed with a glass smoking pipe (apparently used for drugs). The article said there were images and videos of Hunter engaged in sexual activity, but they were not published. The Post said the computer repair owner gave a copy of the files to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, and now they are published. 

The Biden campaign said they checked Joe Biden’s official schedules from that date and that there was no meeting that took place. The campaign said multiple investigations from the press and from members of Congress have concluded that Joe Biden engaged in no wrongdoing. 

There was controversy on social media about the Post’s article because some said that the laptop story could be a made-up one and that the information could have been retrieved as a part of an illegal hacking campaign. Facebook and Twitter restricted people from the ability to access or share the Post article. 

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis) said his homeland security committee is going to investigate the information in the article. 

President Donald Trump and his allies have accused the Bidens of corruption by profiting from their high positions during the Obama administration. Joe has been accused of using his vice presidency to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was investigating Burisma at the time. This was brought up during a recent call between President Trump and the current Ukrainian president, which sparked his impeachment because it seemed like Trump was holding off military aid until they made an announcement to investigate the Bidens. Trump was acquitted. So, this whole story may come up during the town halls tomorrow night with NBC and ABC. 

That’s all the top stories briefs for today. Check out our Deaf News videos. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.