Wednesday, July 15 top news briefs

Hello! Welcome to The Daily Moth. Were any of you able to capture the comet NEOWISE last night? Not me! I had a cloudy night. Maybe tonight! I’m Renca and I will be subbing for Alex this week as he is taking time off. Today is Wednesday, July 15. Are you ready for our top news? 

Tuberville defeats Sessions

Last night Tommy Tuberville defeated former senator Jeff Sessions in the Alabama Republican Senate race. We remember that Sessions was President Donald Trump’s first Attorney General until they had a falling out because Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. Tuberville is popular in Alabama because he used to be the coach for the Auburn college football team. Tuberville will go up against the current Democratic Senator Doug Jones during the election in November. 

North Carolina city supports reparations for Black residents

In Asheville, North Carolina, the city council has apologized for the city’s historic role in slavery, discrimination, and unequal treatment to its Black residents. The city made a commitment to provide reparations by making investments in areas where a majority of Black residents live in and experience unequal treatment. The city will also take steps to increase minority house ownership and find solutions for gaps in employment and education. 

Kanye West reportedly to drop out of the 2020 presidential race 

On July 4th, rapper Kanye West (43) announced on Twitter that he would be running for president. After two weeks of announcing that, a member of his campaign team confirmed that Kanye dropped out. 

Steve Kramer, a person who specializes in getting candidates on the ballot mentioned that he has nothing good or bad to say about Kanye and that it was normal for a candidate running for president for the first time to go through these “hiccups.” 

Kanye tried to get his name on the ballot as a third party in Florida, but he needed to collect 132, 781 signatures by July 15 in order to be eligible. He has already missed deadlines in some other states. 

Kanye has not made a public comment yet. 

Georgia teen killed when parachute fails to open 

Jeanna Triplicata (18) vowed that she would skydive before starting her freshman year at University of North Georgia in August. 

Last Sunday, she went with her grandmother to a place named Skydive Atlanta while her other relatives came to watch. 

This was a tandem jump means the student is connected with the instructor with a harness. Jeanna was connected to her instructor Nick Esposito (35). When they jumped and pulled out the parachute, the parachute started to spin out of control. The instructor tried to pull out the emergency parachute which did not fully open and it was too late. Both of them died. 

Jeanna’s father said she was not even scared about skydiving. She was excited to do this. Her family said witnessing this was the worst day of their lives. 

Tyra Banks is the new host of Dancing With The Stars

Following up with my report from yesterday. I mentioned that ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars” TV show let go of the two co-hosts Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews to go into a new creative direction. 

Today, they announced Tyra Banks as their new host and executive producer of DWTS. Tyra is best known for her role a host and executive producer of “America’s Next Top Model.” Our Deaf celebrity, Nyle DiMarco won season 22 in 2015. ANTM came to close in 2018 after running for 24 seasons. 

Tyra said that she is looking forward for DWTS and she has always been a fan since the beginning. She mentioned that Tom (previous co-host) has set up a powerful stage and she is excited to continue the legacy. 

That’s all for now. See you tomorrow. Stay with the light.