Tuesday, September 7 top stories

It is Tuesday, September 7. Here are today’s top stories.

A report from CNN showed that one classroom at a university in Afghanistan had a curtain separating male students from female students. The images you see are students at the Avicenna University, one of the first university classrooms to reopen after the U.S. military withdrawal and the Taliban takeover.

The report explains that the new Taliban administration allows mixed gender classes as long as male and female students enter classrooms through separate entrances and behind a curtain. Female students are also required to wear a hijab, which covers the hair but not the face.

The Taliban is showing it has a different view on women in society because the last time they ruled Afghanistan, from 1996 to 2001, women and girls were banned from education and work.

When the Taliban took over Kabul a few weeks ago, a spokesperson did make a promise that its new administration would be inclusive towards women.

However, a 21-year-old female Afghan student named Sahar said in an interview with CNN that the new rules are extreme and that it would be very hard on many female students who grew up in Kabul with the freedom to wear what they wanted and attend mixed gender classrooms. It will be hard for them to adjust. Some other female students said they would rather stay home.

The Taliban has named who will have leadership positions in its “caretaker Afghan government.” The Cabinet doesn’t have a female member, but the Taliban said it hasn’t finalized its leadership team.

The Cabinet has at least two individuals who are designated as terrorists either by the U.S. government or the United Nations.

The Biden administration said it is in no rush to officially recognize the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. The White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki said recognition depends on whether the Taliban allows American citizens or others to leave and how they treat women and girls.

Actor Michael K. Williams, who was admired by many for his portrayal of Omar Little on HBO’s “The Wire,” passed away at the age of 54 in New York City of a possible drug overdose. His body was found in his apartment on Monday afternoon.

Williams was a prolific actor, appearing in many films and television series. He received five Primetime Emmy Award nominations.

Early in his career, he was a backup dancer for one of Madonna’s music videos. One of his first acting roles was in a film with Tupac Shakur.

Williams had a prominent facial scar. He explained in an interview with “Backstage” that he got the cut during a bar fight on his 25th birthday. He said the scar has led to opportunities with directors who wanted a certain look. He said he would sometimes have fun by inventing stories about how he got the scar.

Williams leaves behind a son named Elijah.

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The entire board of the organization Time’s Up, which aims to advocate for victims of sexual harassment, has resigned after it received criticism for seemingly

taking the side of former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year when he was accused of sexual misconduct by former aide Lindsey Boylan. An investigation by the New York Attorney General’s office found that Time’s Up CEO and a top official took actions to support Cuomo and discredit Boylan.

Both of the organization’s officials resigned last week, and now the entire board has resigned. The organization said it is in a crisis but would take it as an opportunity to change with a new board set up in the next 30 days.

President Joe Biden visited New York and New Jersey today to survey the damage from Hurricane Ida as its remnants moved through the Eastern U.S. The president took the opportunity to talk about climate change as the cause of extreme weather in the U.S. He said it’s time to confront it and do something to prevent things from getting worse.

Biden said he signed disaster declarations for both states over the weekend, which will provide them with federal assistance. At least 67 people died from Ida, with most of the deaths in New York and New Jersey.

That is all the top stories for today. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.









