Troy Kotsur Interview Rerun

Alex: You really integrated elements like facial expressions, and it was almost like ASL poetry. Can you explain the translation and expression process?

Troy: Before I read the script, it’s always important to understand the story before I understand the characters and get the overall story, then the layers, like there may be other elements that affect the characters… Like someone might say my character tends to be a pothead… That’s a clue of who Frank is, so I explore and read through the story.

Alex: Your character was bearded with long hair, as a fisherman, and I read in the Hollywood Reporter that said you didn’t cut or shave for a while afterwards, like for a few months, because you still felt connected to the role. Can you explain why you left it on for a while?

Troy: Really, it took me a long time to remove the character from me. In the past, after they offered me a role, the director asked me to not shave. That was about five or six months that I left it to grow, and then on the first day of shooting, what you saw is what I looked like. I grew attached to Frank. After the role ended, I wasn’t ready to not be Frank anymore. I asked “Why is Frank in Arizona?” There are no waves there. My wife, Deanne Bray, asked me to cut it off and I wasn't ready. I had some mixed feelings, and as I started cutting more hair it felt like Frank was fading away. He’s lost. Where is he? It took a long time to say goodbye, because we grew together 24/7 and were together for two months, plus more time before that, so it took me a long time to say goodbye to Frank. Do you know where Frank is? He’s still in the movie.


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Troy: You’re the only one who can believe in yourself. No one else truly knows you, but yourself. Be self aware, and go through what you go through. But now looking back, I learned about a lot of people I worked with and I thank them for sharing what we shared with each other. I hope that continues in the next new generation…

Alex: I really appreciate your time, Troy