Thursday, August 12 top stories

It is Thursday, August 12. Here are today’s top stories.

A father from California, Matthew T. Coleman, confessed to murdering his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter using a spear fishing gun because he had bizarre beliefs that his children had “serpent DNA.”

Court documents say Coleman took his two children across the Mexican border on Saturday and went to a Christian ranch. His wife became very concerned when he didn’t return her calls, so she filed a missing person’s report. Coleman was detained by border protection agents when he tried to return to the U.S. on Monday. During a police interview, Coleman confessed to the killings and gave the location of where police could find the bodies of his kids, and they were found and recovered.

NBC News explained that Coleman likely believed in a conspiracy theory that “lizard people” secretly run the world and control the government, banking, and Hollywood. Coleman said he learned those ideas from following QAnon forums and that he was trying to save the world.

Coleman is held without bond and will be arraigned on August 31.

Axios said data from the 2020 Census was released today and that it shows that the U.S. is more diverse, more urbanized, and growing slower overall than in past decades.

Data shows that all 10 of the largest U.S. cities have more than 1 million people for the first time in our history. Rural areas had population shrinkages while cities grew. The U.S. is more diverse with a decline in the non-Hispanic white population.

Axios said the data will have an impact on Congressional redistricting deadlines as there will be a better sense of how certain areas might vote.

Deadline reported that a federal judge ruled that Dominion Voting Systems can move forward with its defamation lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. The three people wanted the lawsuit to be dismissed, but the judge denied that request by saying Dominion had sufficient grounds to pursue its cases. Giuliani and Powell filed several lawsuits seeking to overturn the 2020 election, but they were dismissed. The two have been more quiet lately about claims of election fraud, but Lindell is continuing to be loud.

He recently hosted a 72-hour cyber symposium about allegations of election fraud. Daily Mail reported that he ran off stage when he found out that the Dominion lawsuit was allowed to proceed.

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A viral video shows a motorist, in an apparent fit of road rage, stop his SUV in the middle of the road to get out and hurl an ax at another driver. The motorist then fled the scene.

This happened in the Seattle area during the last week of July. Police said the suspect, who is a 47-year-old man, was arrested three days later. His name hasn’t been released.

The victim, who is a woman, said she was driving on Interstate 5 when she honked at the motorist. She said he followed her off an exit and then blocked her on a roadway before getting out and hurling the ax.

Police said the suspect faces additional charges for theft and racially abusing another man in separate incidents.

Daily Mail released a video from 2019 that showed Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, naked in a hotel room with a naked woman. Hunter was heard saying in the video that he lost a laptop when he was partying in Las Vegas a year earlier and was afraid that the laptop would be used against him for blackmail by Russian people.

It seems like Hunter has lost three different laptops and it’s not the first time that Hunter had embarrassing photos or videos released to the media. Hunter has admitted that he struggled with drug addiction in the past. Hunter is currently under federal investigation for his taxes and possible overseas business with China.

In tragic news from western Ohio, three brothers ages 31 to 37 were found dead at their family farm after they passed out in a manure pit on Tuesday. News reports said the brothers were fixing a manure pump but passed out and became trapped. First responders in diving gear found them unconscious and transported them to hospitals, and they were pronounced dead.

NBC News said manure pits are common on large livestock farms and are used to store waste before it is used as fertilizer on fields, but the pits can produce dangerous gases such as methane, ammonia, or carbon monoxide.

The funeral for the three brothers, Brad, Todd, and Gary Wuebker, will take place on Sunday and Monday.

News reports say the U.S. military is sending 3,000 troops to Kabul, Afghanistan to help evacuate workers at the U.S. embassy as the Taliban continues to make major steps in taking over the country. A spokesperson for the State Department said the embassy is not closing, but is in a “drawdown.” The Afghan government has been unable to stop the Taliban’s advances ever since President Joe Biden announced that all U.S. troops would withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of August.

That is all the top stories for today. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.