The Daily Moth 3-25-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Wednesday, March 25. Here are coronavirus updates.

The U.S. surpassed 60,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of this afternoon. At least 827 people have died while at least 354 people have recovered.

Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate and the Trump administration have reached a deal on a $2 trillion stimulus package. There has not been a vote yet at the time of signing, but the bill is expected to pass the Senate. The House would have to approve it before it goes to President Trump’s desk, but it is expected to pass. AP News said it is the “largest economic rescue bill in history.”

Axios reported that the bill will send a one-time direct deposit of up to $1,200 to Americans earning up to $75,000 and $2,400 for couples earning up $150,000. There is an additional $500 per child. The payments will phase out based on income levels and will end for those who earn more than $99,000 annually.

The bill includes over $300 billion in loans for small businesses to continue to meet payroll, has enhanced unemployment benefits, provides $100 billion to hospitals and health care workers, $500 billion for large industries such as airlines, and over $150 billion for state, local, and tribal governments. The bill has a clause to bar any bailout money from going to businesses owned by Donald Trump or any top government official.

I have received several questions on if those who earn SSI or SSDI benefits are eligible for the payments. I have reached out to an expert and I plan to do a separate video covering this after the bill has officially made it through Congress.

Last night the White House said anyone who has recently been in New York City should quarantine themselves for 14 days. The New York Times reported that the city has almost 18,000 confirmed cases of this afternoon, so it has one of the world’s highest infection rates.

Prince Charles tested positive for the coronavirus. He is 71 years old. His spokesperson said he has mild symptoms and is in good health and is working from home. He is the son of Queen Elizabeth II and the first in line to the British throne.

Yesterday it was announced that a minor from the Los Angeles area died from COVID-19, but there were not many details. ABC News reported that the boy is 17 years old. It is not confirmed that he died from COVID-19, but he was hospitalized with respiratory problems and died from septic shock, which means that he had widespread infection in his body. The boy’s father also has coronavirus. The mayor of Lancaster, where the boy lived, said he believes he died from COVID-19 and explained that although he might have had health problems in the past, he was recently healthy. The mayor said he believes the boy died from complications from COVID-19.

There is a 12-year-old girl in Georgia who tested positive for COVID-19 and is hospitalized with a ventilator.

The pandemic has put a near-stop in the Democratic presidential race because many states have postponed or want to postpone their primaries to June 2. The New York Times explained that June 2 is starting to look like a Super Tuesday type of day with multiple states choosing to vote on that day. Hundreds of delegates will be up for grabs on that day and Joe Biden will have a chance to clinch the Democratic nomination. Bernie Sanders is still in the race. It can be strange to think that only a few weeks ago we were seeing the two give campaign rallies with crowds packed with people. Now it has grinded to a halt with sightings of Biden and Bernie limited to television interviews or social media videos.

There was a college student named Brady Sluder who went viral when CBS News filmed him celebrating spring break in Florida saying “If I get corona, I get corona… I’m not gonna let it stop me from partying.” He posted an apology on Instagram a few days ago saying he was not aware of the severity of his actions and said he has learned to not be arrogant.

NBC News reported that a church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana had over 1,000 people attend services on Sunday and that the pastor, Tony Spell, is ignoring Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards’ order that there be no gatherings of more than 50 people. The pastor said he believes that the virus is politically motivated. The pastor said he was warned by police after a service last night that the National Guard would break up future gatherings of more than 50 people, but a National Guard spokesperson said they are not involved. There is an online petition calling for the arrest of the pastor for reckless endangerment.

That’s all the updates on coronavirus for now.

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