The Daily Moth 2-18-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Tuesday, February 18. Ready for news? 


Bezos fights climate change; Apple affected by coronavirus; Bloomberg qualifies for debate

Here are three top news briefs. 

Jeff Bezos announced on Instagram that he has pledged $10 billion to fight climate change, which he called the “biggest threat to our planet.” He said he would establish a “Bezos Earth Fund” and starting this summer, issue grants to fund scientists, activists, and nonprofits to “help preserve and protect the natural world.” 

Apple announced yesterday that the coronavirus epidemic in China has affected their revenue and production abilities. Apple said there were “global supply constraints” for iPhones and that there is lower Chinese demand for iPhones. 

Michael Bloomberg qualified for the Democratic debate tomorrow night in Nevada after he received 19% in a national poll by NPR/PBS/Marist. He is in second place. The leader is Sen. Bernie Sanders with 31%. It will be America’s first time seeing Bloomberg on the debate stage. 

Jeff Bezos:


Mike Bloomberg:


NASCAR driver Ryan Newman in “serious condition” after crash

Ryan Newman, a NASCAR driver, was in a very serious crash on the final lap of the Daytona 500 last night. He was hospitalized and his team announced that he is in “serious condition” but that his injuries were not life threatening. 

The Daytona 500 race started on Sunday, but was stopped and postponed to Monday because of rain. 

During the final turn and the stretch towards the finish line, Newman’s #6 car was in the lead. It moved to block another car, but it suddenly turned 90 degrees, rammed head-on into the wall, went airborne and landed on its roof, then was T-boned by another car, which sent it for another airborne flip. 

Newman’s car landed hard on the pavement and skidded for a long time with metal sparks before it stopped with its back end in flames. Emergency crews quickly put out the fire and Newman was brought by ambulance to the Halifax Medical Center. 

President Trump, who visited the Daytona 500 on Sunday and took a lap in his presidential limo before officially starting the race, tweeted that he was praying for Newman. 

Newman is from South Bend, Indiana — the same city that Pete Buttigieg is from and served as a mayor. Pete tweeted that he was praying for him. 

The crash brought back memories of racing legend Dale Earnhardt’s death in 2001 when he was killed after turning and crashing head-on against the wall during the final lap at the Daytona 500. During that time there were no foam SAFER barriers around the road, only concrete barriers. Earnhardt’s death led to new safety regulations and many on social media felt like Earnhardt “saved” Newman’s life.


Kentucky man can keep “IM GOD” on license plate

A man from Kentucky, Bennie Hart, won a lawsuit against Kentucky transportation officials after they denied his request to have a license plate that read, “IM GOD.” 

Hart lived in Ohio for more than a decade before he moved to Kentucky and had the “IM GOD” plate with no issues. 

In 2016, he moved to Kenton County, near Cincinnati, and requested for the same words to be on his new license plate, but was denied. Kentucky officials said “IM GOD” was “vulgar or obscene.”

Hart, with the help of two organizations, filed a federal lawsuit. In November 2019, a court in Kentucky ruled that Hart’s First Amendment rights to freedom of speech was violated and allowed him to use the “IM GOD” plate. 

On February 10, a federal judge ruled that Kentucky officials had to pay Hart $151,206 in attorneys’ fees and expenses related to the lawsuit. 

The court wrote in an opinion and order that personalized messages on license plates, as known as vanity plates, are considered private speech. 

Hart is a retired postal worker and told FOX 19 that he is an atheist and that the license plate is “his way to spread a political and philosophical message that faith is susceptible to individualized interpretation.” 

He said according to the American Heritage Dictionary, one of the six definitions of “God” is a very handsome man, and that his wife says he is a very handsome man and nobody argues with his wife. 

CTV News said the money from the lawsuit will go towards Hart’s lawyers from the ACLU and the Freedom from Religion Foundation.


Donald Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich’s sentence 

President Trump announced that he has commuted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D)’s 14-year prison sentence for corruption, ending the last four years of his sentence. He was convicted in 2010 on charges related to his attempts to “sell” Barack Obama’s Senate seat after he became president.

Trump said his sentence was ridiculous and that he will be able to go back home with his family after serving eight years in jail. 

Blagojevich was a former contestant in “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2010.  

Illinois state congressional Republicans asked Trump in 2018 to not commute Blagojevich’s sentence because it would send a damaging message. 

In separate but related news, Trump pardoned former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo, who was convicted in 1998 on gambling fraud charges related to a $400,000 bribe he paid to Louisiana’s former governor Edwin Edwards to get a riverboat casino license. 

Trump also pardoned former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who was convicted of tax crimes related to his accepting loans worth hundreds of thousands of dollars without reporting it. 

Trump also pardoned financier Michael Milken, who pleaded guilty to securities and tax violations in 1990 and served 22 months in prison.


Amie Harwick killed in Hollywood 

Amie Harwick, who was a family and sex therapist in Los Angeles, a former Playboy model, and was and once engaged to “The Price is Right” host Drew Carey — died of an apparent murder at her home in Hollywood Hills. 

Police said Harwick’s roommate alerted them early Saturday that Harwick was being assaulted inside of her home. 

When police went to the home, they found Harwick unresponsive with injuries consistent with a fall. Her body was under a third-floor balcony. She was brought to a hospital but died. She was 38. 

Police said they have arrested Harwick’s ex-boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse, and he is in custody on a $2 million bail. 

Police said Harwick recently said she was afraid of her former boyfriend and had filed a restraining order against Pursehouse that had expired. 

Drew Carey tweeted a tribute to Harwick with a short video loop of them sitting together. He said “I hope you’re lucky enough to have someone in your life that loves as much as she did.” 

Vulture reported that “The Price is Right” has postponed taping for this week.


#DeafBing: Filter Block 

(Alex has an Instagram filter that makes him seem like an outdoorsy man with a green winter hat, long hair, a thick beard, and a red flannel shirt. The filter completely blocks Alex’s body and signing, only showing his facial expressions or left arm if he signs in the “available space” in the corner.) 

Hi. Deaf Bing… 

The filter is blocking me. 

How can I sign? 

That Deaf Bing! 


That is all for today. See you tomorrow and stay with the light! 

TOP STORIESAlex Abenchuchan