The Daily Moth 12-3-19

Two school shootings in Wisconsin in two days | Top News Briefs: Kamala dropping out of 2020 race; Trump at NATO meeting; House releases impeachment report | Mother charged with killing her two children | Husband and wife die one day apart after 68 years of marriage | [Sponsored Video] Donate to Gallaudet University for #GivingTuesday! Alex from “The Daily Moth” shares how much of an impact Gallaudet had on his life and on starting the show.

[Transcript] Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Tuesday, December 3. Ready for news?


Two school shootings in Wisconsin in two days

There have been two school shootings in Wisconsin in two days.

Today at a high school in Winnebago County, there was a student who had a gun that confronted a school resource officer. The officer fired a gunshot and both were injured and taken to hospitals. The school was placed on lockdown and parents picked up their students at a local middle school. There is now an investigation.

Yesterday in Waukesha, a 17-year-old high school student was spotted with a handgun in a classroom. A school resource officer evacuated other students, then several police officers arrived on the scene and tried to talk with the student, but the student pointed his gun at the officers. One of the officers shot at the student, who was injured and is now in stable condition at a hospital.

Wisconsin’s attorney general said this means there is a great need to invest in helping troubled students and limiting their access to guns.


Top News Briefs: Kamala dropping out of 2020 race; Trump at NATO meeting; House releases impeachment report

Here are three top news briefs.

The first — Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif) is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. She was considered one of the top candidates when she announced her candidacy in January, but has struggled to keep her momentum.

Last week the New York Times ran a story where over 50 current and former campaign staffers described many internal problems.

Harris said in an interview with Axios that she wonders if a part of her struggle was because America is not ready to elect a woman of color.

Perhaps we will see her emerge as a vice president candidate. She has been a senator since 2017.

The second news — President Trump is in London for a NATO leaders’ meeting. He traded barbs with French President Macron over NATO’s role in Syria and the future. In separate news, Trump announced that the G-7 summit next year would be at Camp David in Maryland. He previously wanted it to be at his Doral resort in Miami, but dropped it after criticism that it was a conflict of interest between government and his personal business.

The third news — House Democrats released a report on their Trump-Ukraine impeachment inquiry. The report says President Trump abused his powers to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations that would benefit his 2020 re-election bid. The report also says Trump obstructed the House investigation. The House could vote on articles of impeachment in the next few weeks.

Kamala Harris:'




Mother charged with killing her two children

In Berks County, Pennsylvania, a mother was charged with killing her two children at their home by hanging them in the basement.

The mother’s name is Lisa Snyder and the children are a 8-year-old boy named Conner and a 4-year-old girl named Brinley.

The incident was on September 23. The mother called 911 to say that she found the children in the basement and said Conner was being bullied at school and that he didn’t want to go alone — suggesting that Brinley joined him in some kind of suicide pact.

First responders found the children hanging from a single dog leash that was suspended on a support beam. There were two dining chairs that were knocked over. The mother said she was not strong enough to bring the kids down. They were airlifted to a hospital, but died three days later.

Police said they had their doubts about the mother’s story and after an investigation, they’ve accused Snyder of murder. She was arrested yesterday at her home.

The county district attorney said the mother Googled various methods of killing and purchased a dog leash that was used in the hanging right before the incident. The boy’s school said there was no evidence of bullying. A witness said that three weeks before the incident, Snyder said she was depressed and didn’t care anymore about her kids.

The district attorney said it was a very emotional investigation and that it’s just not right nor fair.

Snyder was also charged with having sex with her dog after police found Facebook messages where she described the acts.

Snyder’s attorney did not give a comment to the media.


Husband and wife die one day apart after 68 years of marriage

An elderly couple who were married for 68 years passed away only 33 hours apart last week. They were buried together today.

Their names were Bob and Corrine Johnson and they lived in a farm home in southern Minnesota and had seven children.

Six months ago, Bob had cancer and Corrine had congestive heart failure, which required them to be in a hospital. They were on beds next to each other.

One of their children said when Corrine passed away, hospital staff pulled a curtain between their beds and that Bob stared at the curtain and when he was informed that she died, he had tears well up in his eyes. He died 33 hours later.

Their other child said Bob always put people first before him, and that it is fitting that he waited for his wife to go first before he passed away.

Bob was 88 years old, while Corrine was 87.


[Sponsored Video] Donate to Gallaudet University for #GivingTuesday! Alex from “The Daily Moth” shares how much of an impact Gallaudet had on his life and on starting the show.

Today is Giving Tuesday, which is a movement to make charitable gifts at the beginning of the holiday season.

Gallaudet University is asking the community to consider making a donation to support the university and their mission.

I am a proud Gallaudet alumni and graduated in 2010 with a BA in Religious Studies.

Looking back on my “still-young” life, I can say that Gallaudet had the most impact on why I decided to start “The Daily Moth.

It started when I was a student at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. I was involved with the National Academic Bowl tournament that is run by Gallaudet University’s Youth Programs. I read newspapers daily to prepare for the “Current Events” category and got addicted to news. I saw that there were not enough resources to bring out the news from print to ASL, and decided to do something about it by starting “The Daily Moth.”

Another impact that Gallaudet had on me was when I worked for two campus organizations — the student-run newspaper “The Buff and Blue” and the student-run film studio BisonTV. I got my first taste of journalism and fell in love with the idea of collecting valuable information and sharing it with the community. BisonTV allowed me to build my confidence with signing towards a camera with a teleprompter.

As a student, I took a journalism course with Bob Weinstock as my professor and benefited greatly from it, as I was able to understand the basic foundations of the profession. I remember meeting guest speakers that Bob brought in who worked in the media field. I was often challenged and I knew journalism was something that I am passionate about. My BA in Religious Studies opened up my mind to the world and the many different values that humanity has. You can donate by: Texting 4GUGratitude to 41444 or by going to


I know that Gallaudet will continue to play a big part in my life and in the lives of many people in the deaf and signing community.

If you want to make a donation to support Gallaudet University, you can do so by following the instructions above or below. Thank you.


You can donate by:

Texting 4GUGratitude to 41444 or by going to


That is all for today. See you tomorrow and stay with the light!


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TOP STORIESAlex Abenchuchan