The Daily Moth 1-3-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Friday, January 3. Ready for news? 


Trump orders airstrike that killed top Iranian military official 

President Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani as he rode in a car near Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. He was the head of Iran’s elite Quds force and the second most powerful official in the country. Six others died. 

Pictures and video showed a heap of burning wreckage. 

The Pentagon said they did this to “protect U.S. personnel abroad” because Soleimani was “actively developing plans to Attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.” 

Iran’s President Rouhani said “the great nation of Iran will take revenge for this heinous crime.” Iran’s foreign ministry said the airstrike was an “act of International terrorism.” 

Now the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said all American citizens should leave Iraq immediately because of heightened tensions. 

There is now talk of war between the U.S. and Iran. It is possible that Iranian forces or allies will launch attacks against U.S. troops in the Middle East, or launch cyberattacks against Americans. 

Israel said they are also preparing for potential attacks from Iran, because they are an ally of the U.S. and considered a “co-conspirator” in the drone airstrike. 

On Twitter, Trump retweeted several people who showed gratitude and praise for the airstrike, saying Soleimani was responsible for many regional conflicts that killed hundreds of Americans. Trump also tweeted that Soleimani was behind the killings of hundreds of Iranian protesters in December. 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke on the Senate floor about the airstrike — he said “no one should shed a tear” for Soleimani’s death, but said that the operation was done without any advance notification or consultation with Congress. He also criticized Trump for bringing us closer to another “endless war” which would break a promise by Trump to not drag us into another war. 

CNN reported that the U.S. would deploy about 3,000 additional soldiers to the Middle East after already sending 750 soldiers in response to the crisis at the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The New York Times said that previous presidents Obama and Bush had the opportunity to kill Soleimani, but didn’t because they feared it would lead to war with Iran. 

Trump is expected to address the nation tonight at 5 pm EST, and he is likely going to talk about the airstrike. 

There are many people who think Trump is doing this to guarantee that he gets re-elected in 2020. Axios showed an old video by Trump from 2011 — he said he predicted that then-President Obama would start a war with Iran to get himself re-elected in 2012. 

So, we are in a new phase in the Trump administration and we have yet another serious conflict in the Middle East.


Australia’s deadly wildfires raging out of control 

Australia’s bushfires have continued to spread along the eastern and southern coast. At least 20 people have died and it is estimated that almost 500 million animals were killed.

Today Australia’s navy rescued about 1,000 residents and tourists who were stuck on a beach in Victoria. 

There are many people who are missing and over 1,300 homes have been destroyed.

News reports explained that it is normal for Australia to go through bushfires, but that this year it is a lot worse because of record heat, drought, and strong winds. 

Officials have warned tens of thousands of people that they may need to evacuate and that the fires will worsen on Saturday because of strong winds. 

The heat is blamed on a climate system in the Indian Ocean called a dipole, which has caused heavy rainfall in eastern Africa and dry conditions in Australia. 

Satellite images show smoke covering most of Australia’s southeast coast. The images you see are of the same area, but before and after the fires. 

There is some criticism towards Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison for his leadership during the crisis and for his policies on climate change.


Write “2020” on checks or legal documents instead of “20”  

It is now 2020. There are several headlines that recommend people to write down the full year, 2020, and not just “20,” when writing on checks or on important legal documents, such as contracts or agreements.  

The reason why? To avoid fraud. If you put in only “20,” then bad actors could easily add “17” for 2017, “18” for 2018, or “19” for 2019, or “21” or “22” for 2021 or 2022 to make it look like the check or document was signed years ago or to hold a check for deposit in the future, past its expiration date. Bad actors also could make it look like a contract or agreement that is supposed to end in 2020 is pushed to 2040, or 2099. 

So that’s why there is advice and warning to put in the full “2020.” 

The advice went viral when the East Millinochet Police Department in Maine posted a meme of this advice from a law office. 

So, you should consider writing down the full 2020. You won’t have to worry about this in 2021.


“American Girl” unveils doll with hearing loss; interview with deaf pro surfer who was consultant  

[Transcript] American Girl unveiled a new “Girl of the Year” doll — Joss Kendrick, a 10-year-old girl who was born deaf and wears a hearing aid in her right ear.

It is the first deaf doll by American Girl, and there is a book that tells Joss’ story. She is a surfer, skateboarder, and competitive cheerleader from Huntington Beach, California. 

American Girl announced they partnered with Hearing Loss of America (HLAA) and donated $25,000 to support the organization.

A real-life deaf professional surfer, Crystal da Silva, was a part of the team that created the Joss character. Here is an interview with her. 


Hi! I’m Crystal da Silva. You can call me CJ. I was born deaf and I’m from Carlsbad, California. I typically surf around Oceanside. 



In 2000, I decided to enter local surfing competitions and that’s how I became focused and skilled in surfing. I’ve improved lately.  


Can you explain how you became involved with the American Girl team and what your role was? 


They found me through Instagram. My role with the Joss doll was for the deaf and surfing parts. 


What is your opinion on Joss Kendrick? 


Deaf children should know that they can accomplish anything in life and to not be afraid to try anything with their physical challenges. That’s what Joss’ story is about. 


Do you want to add anything? 


Thank you for having me. Happy New Year! ILY. 


Thank you for your time, Crystal! You can follow her on her Instagram @Saltycrystalcj. She also makes and sells bikinis on Etsy. 

I looked at excerpts of the book about Joss, and it presents Joss as an oral person who reads lips, and there is one part where someone uses sign language with her. 

The doll and the book is available to buy online. It costs $98.00 for the pair, and you can buy more accessories.


That is all for this week. Have a wonderful weekend and stay with the light! 


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