Shooting at Italy’s Deaf International Summer Festival: Update and Interview with Ipek

Renca Dunn, Daily Moth Reporter: This is an update and follow up related to the shooting that happened at the Deaf International Summer Festival in Italy. I have already seen the pictures of the crime scene and it was very bloody. One person was lying outside. Two people were lying inside the hotel lobby. It seems that the shooting happened outside then the two of them (who got shot) went in the hotel and collapsed. That’s when it affected the people at the festival.

Now to clarify, the shooting that happened outside between the two Deaf brothers and the Deaf Bones Motorcycle group has nothing to do with the Deaf Festival. It is their personal conflict between these two. However, unfortunately their conflict ended up escalating at the festival.

Now this is an update on the two Deaf brothers that shot at the Deaf motorcycle group and left right after- the explanation I will give is based on the news in Italy. The articles from Italy explained that both brothers have been arrested but they turned themselves in. The reason for this is because this was a manhunt and if the police found them instead, the punishment would be severe. So they turned themselves in for less punishment. Their names have been mentioned in the articles- their names are Gaetano and Raffaele Ciccarelli- that’s the two Deaf brothers who shot at the Deaf motorcycle group.

In addition, I found another piece of information from a hearing Italian journalist which she posted two days ago on Facebook, she mentioned that Gaetano has been problematic. It seems he was involved with a murder that happened a few years ago. The murder was about pushing off a Deaf woman from a balcony from the 3rd floor. Gaetano was accused of being part of that but the court let him go. Now his name has come up again related to the shooting and that journalist said the court needs to do something. We will show you a screenshot of what that journalist mentioned.


Facebook/Angela Marino: Gaetano Ciccarelli, one of the participants in the Calabrian holiday between couples that ended with the murder of the young miss Campania, deaf, Annamaria Sorrentino, in 2019, was arrested yesterday for attempted murder.

The accusation, made for a shooting that took place in Capaccio Paestum, in the province of Salerno, during the 'Deaf International Festival 2024', is not related to the tragic death of Annamaria Sorrentino, but relates to the events that happened last July 14th at the festival where, according to the accusations, Ciccarelli, opened fire Against a bunch of bikers, injuring them. Even he’s deaf, Gaetano Ciccarelli is accused of misdemeanor carrying firearms.

In the trial for Annamaria’s death, Ciccarelli is on the other hand charged for the crime of favoritism. The charge of pre-intentional murder is, in fact, to Annamaria's then husband, Paolo Foresta, who, in connection with other crimes, was also accused of insurance fraud in October last year, and still remains free.

It’s sad, five years after the death of the young miss Campania, to still read these names connected to news events and instead not know the truth about that flight from the third floor during that dramatic, furious fight between couples, in which Annamaria lost her life. It must be beyond painful for the Sorrentino family too, to whom all my affection goes out. A family in respectful and religious silence for years waiting for a justice that is obviously looking away

Renca: That is the current update based on several articles in Italy. We did contact the president and founder of the Deaf International Summer Festival, Carmine de Caro for an interview and he informed us that he’s not available.

We connected with one Deaf person named Ipek Mehlum, she is from Turkey but lives in Norway. She is a Deaf actress who has been involved with many different performances, television, etc. Her role with the recent summer festival was being one of the MCs. She did provide a workshop and some short performances and was very involved with the recent summer festival. We connected with her for an interview related to her experience and what she knows about the Deaf Bones motorcycle group. The interview is done through International Sign.

Ipek Mehlum: Well I was recently at the Clin d’Oeil festival and I had a great time then I flew to Italy for the festival. The weather was very warm and I was excited to meet so many great people. I even did tours of different places. I went on a boat with other Deaf people in Capri. It was a beautiful five day festival. Every evening there was a program as I was one of the MCs. Everything was great. On our last day of the festival, I went for a morning swim and then went to rehearsal to get ready for the evening program. The evening came, just wow, I was sitting down and watching the show and saw people running inside the theater screaming saying “Terrorist! Terrorist! Morocco! Iran!” I was watching a clown show and thought everything was related- like it was a game. Then it took me a while to realize that it was a real shooting situation that happened. I was so shocked. I got up fast and bolted out- I thought to myself that I had to get home. I was thinking of my son and my family. There was a crowd of us running out. People were falling down, old and young alike. We all were screaming. Someone from behind had a phone light on and we could see as we were running in a dark hallway. The light at the end of the hallway was coming closer. Then a man came in front of us and told us to stay calm. I was shaking. My heart was racing. I was like “what happened?!” I honestly never thought I would experience something like that. I always see news about the stuff that happens around the world. I see news about wars, children, women, rape, etc. but this was just a small glimpse of the feeling of horror. I’m still shocked. I am still processing this. I still cry about it. I can’t sleep. I have nightmares. I will need to see a crisis counselor or psychologist to help.

Renca: Can you explain about the Deaf Bones motorcycle group? Are they an official non profit or something?

Ipek: Yes. The Deaf Bones motorcycle group officially set up about 10 years ago. It was first set up in Sicily then Bologna then Naples. They have different groups in different regions. Sometimes they all get together for a party or a fundraiser and they would support children or school or poor people or festivals etc. They always fundraise to support people and they have a big heart. They are good people. So the festival invited them to come and have a booth there for the expo. They were selling some merch to raise support.

Now the person named Ettore - one of the three who was shot, Ettore had it worse. The day before it happened, I was chatting with Ettore. We had a long conversation. He was explaining to me about his motorcycle- it had three wheels (trike). His best friend died, people weren’t sure what to do with his bike and Ettore decided to buy it from them. He called that bike his “wife.” He loved that bike. We had a beautiful conversation. Little did I know that the next day he was shot multiple times. The Deaf Bones motorcycle group was thinking about what to do with Ettore’s bike. They decided to move his bike to the hospital where he’s at. They parked it there because they were hoping that the symbol of the bike would save Ettore’s life. They believe he will get better, get up again, and come down to get on his bike and ride back home. I feel that’s a powerful message. The Deaf Bones motorcycle group really has a good heart. All of the people in Italy love Ettore and the Deaf Bones Motorcycle group. They are praying that all three of the people who were shot will be healed quickly. You know as I’m telling you this story, I’m still anxious. I am not finished healing from what happened. Many people who experience trauma, they would think oh just brush it away, that’s life. They ignore it. No. Reach out to a counselor or a psychologist. There’s no shame in doing it. Be open about it and see someone as it will get better and you can resume your normal life.

Renca: Ipek, thank you for your time. Our thoughts are with those three who were hurt and those friends and family and others who were affected by this incident.


Maria Italian journalist:

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