Reactions to robot police story

[Transcript] Yesterday I did a story about the Mass. State Police using robot dogs and asked what you thought of it. I’ll share some of your reactions.

Several commenters pointed out that they are concerned about deaf people having a disadvantage because we can’t hear audio demands from robots and that it can be dangerous or deadly.

Another commenter on YouTube said robots are okay if they are used to disarm bombs, but that they shouldn’t be used to respond to shooters because he doesn’t want robots to target innocent humans.

Some commenters are concerned that allowing robot dogs would lead to robots eventually taking over the world and kill humans like what happened in movies “I, Robot” or “Terminator.”

Other commenters said robots would be a waste of money as it would be very expensive to fix if someone shot at them or damaged them.

Those are interesting perspectives, especially the ones about how deaf people would be able to respond to robot dogs’ verbal commands. That’s something that our deaf advocacy organizations have to start thinking about.


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