NBC 10 Boston: Deaf woman allegedly stabbed by neighbor over noises

There is a shocking news report from NBC 10 Boston about a 56-year-old deaf woman who was allegedly stabbed by her apartment neighbor over noises.

This happened two weeks ago in East Boston. The deaf victim, Cheryl Masucci, was cut in her neck and hand but appears to be okay after coming back home from the hospital.

Here is a video clip with her remarks.

[NBC 10 Boston video clip with Masucci giving remarks using her voice. She shows injuries to her neck and right hand. She says that the knife was about 10 inches long. She appears to be okay and is playing the lottery.]

NBC 10 Boston explained that Masucci lived next door to an elderly couple. The suspected stabber is an 84-year-old man who is facing four criminal charges, including assault to murder and assault and battery on a disabled person.

A police report said the neighbors complained about “constant loud noise and banging coming from Masucci’s apartment.” The suspect’s wife told NBC 10 Boston that her husband “snapped” after hearing noises.


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Masucci told NBC 10 Boston that she is all right and that she is strong. She enjoys playing the lottery. She said she is all by herself after her father passed away.

Two other people who lived in the same apartment complex told NBC 10 Boston that they were shocked by what happened. One said Masucci didn’t have enemies and that it’s too bad that someone would pick on someone who’s deaf.

So, this is a shocking incident and hopefully, Masucci will be able to make a full recovery.
