Monday, June 26 top stories

Hello! My name is Renca and I will be taking Alex’s place for today’s top news. Today is Monday, June 26. Ready to see what’s the news?

Wagner Group leader causes chaos in Russia

There was a lot of chaos in Russia over the weekend. At one point it seemed like there would be a coup. But right now Putin is still in power.

The chaos started on Friday when the leader of a mercenary unit (private soldiers who work for whoever pays them) called the Wagner Group said in an angry message that many of his soldiers were killed in a mistaken airstrike from the Russian military.

The leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said he would pull his soldiers from Ukraine and send them on a march to Moscow, the capital of Russia. The soldiers seized government buildings in a big city in southwestern Russia called Rostov-on-Don.

Putin quickly released a national address on television saying the Wagner Group's leader was rebelling against Russia and he vowed to bring punishment against them.

But things cooled down when it was announced that the president of Belarus managed to get Yevgeny to agree to back off, send his soldiers back to the Ukrainian war, and have them become a part of Russia's army. Yevgeny would have to live in Belarus and he would avoid getting into criminal trouble in Russia.

So there was a lot of chaos and it was thought there may be a coup in Russia, but that didn't happen. We will see what impact this weekend will have on the war in Ukraine and Putin's future.

Airport worker “ingested” by engine

This recent Friday on June 23rd at San Antonio International Airport in Texas, an airline worker was pulled into an engine of an airplane after it landed. The plane is under Delta Airlines and arrived around 10:30pm from Los Angeles and after it landed, the plane was taxiing and that was when the ground worker got “ingested” into the engine. It is unclear how it happened as authorities are investigating the situation.

Delta made a statement and said they are heartbroken and their hearts are in full support of that worker’s family and friends impacted by this news.

Teen dies in extreme heat; stepfather dies in car crash seeking help

At Big Bend National Park in Texas, a 14-year-old boy went hiking with his stepfather and brother in extreme heat, and he lost consciousness and then died. The temperature outside was about 110 K degrees.

The stepfather (31) hiked back to the vehicle to seek help while the 21-year-old brother tried to carry his 14-year-old brother back to the trailhead. The stepfather later on also died when he was driving off to seek help as the vehicle veered off the road and crashed. The stepfather was pronounced dead at the scene.

The three of them are from Florida and were hiking on the Marufo Vega Trail known for rugged areas, rocky cliffs, and no shade. This incident is being investigated for exact details; no names have been released yet. The officials advised against anyone wanting to hike on any trails in the afternoon under the extreme heat. Right now there are many warnings of heat waves in Texas.


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Roller coaster in Sweden derails; one died and nine injured

Yesterday in Stockholm, Sweden, at an amusement park named Gröna Lund- the oldest amusement park in Sweden as it opened in 1883, a roller coaster derailed and killed one person while injuring 9. There were 14 people on that roller coaster altogether.

Witnesses explained that the roller coaster jumped off the tracks before coming to a stop and one of the roller coaster’s cars was hanging towards the ground. When the roller coaster stopped after derailing, people flew out and landed on the ground.

That specific roller coaster opened up in 1988 and was renovated in 2000. It is 98 feet high and the top speed is 56 mph.

A spokesperson for that amusement park said it should not happen and they would never open up something if they knew it was not safe. The police are launching a criminal investigation on possible charges. The amusement park is closed for seven days to allow the investigation to happen.

Duchess of York had a successful breast cancer operation

A circulating story through many articles shared that Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, in the United Kingdom, recently had successful surgery after learning she had an early form of breast cancer.

The Duchess is also a British author, a television personality, and a member of the British royal family. She was able to find this information early because of her routine mammogram screening. She encourages women to get themselves checked routinely, especially when getting older.

She is relieved that the surgery was successful and is now recovering. The Duchess was married to Prince Andrew but were divorced in 1996. They still remain close. They both have two daughters and three grandchildren. The Duchess has a podcast called “Tea Talks.”

That’s all for now. See you tomorrow and stay with the light.


Airport worker:


Roller coaster:
