Monday August 24 top news briefs

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! I’m back from my one-week break. I went camping with my wife and daughter up north in Michigan. Today is Monday, August 24. It’s actually the fifth year anniversary of Moth’s reboot on August 24, 2015. A lot has changed, but I’m grateful to still be here and to have your support.

Now, here are top news briefs. 

Black man shot in back by police officer in Kenosha

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, a viral video showed a police officer shooting a 29-year-old black man named Jacob Blake multiple times in the back. The video shows Blake walking around a SUV with two police officers following closely behind him. They appear to try to tell him to stop walking and grab at his shirt. When Blake opened the SUV driver’s door, an officer opened fire at close range seven times. Blake was seriously injured and airlifted to a hospital in Milwaukee. Advocates for Blake said his three sons were inside of the SUV and that Blake was at the scene to try and break up a fight between two women. It is still unclear exactly what happened, but the video has gone viral. 

There were overnight protests with several vehicles and buildings set on fire and a government building vandalized. Police officers dressed in riot gear fired tear gas. One officer was knocked out from a brick. There is now an investigation on the shooting by the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the information will be handed over to a prosecutor. 

Two large storms to hit Gulf Coast within days of each other

It is possible that two hurricanes will make landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast within days of each other. 

The first storm is Marco. It has fluctuated from a tropical storm to a hurricane and back to a tropical storm. It is currently just south off the coast of Louisiana with 50 mph winds, and is forecast to make landfall starting Tuesday early morning and rake the coast in a westward direction, towards Houston. 

The second storm is Laura. It is a tropical storm with 65 mph winds. It is currently south of Cuba and will be in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday. There, it is expected to intensify into a hurricane, where it could strike the Texas and Louisiana border area starting overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning. 

Wildfires raging in Northern California

There are three very large wildfires that are burning in Northern California, around the Bay Area. It appears the fires were caused by lightning strikes. A 70-year-old man died in the Santa Cruz mountains south of San Francisco. AP News reported that in the past week, there were 650 wildfires in California with six other fatalities. There are now 14,000 firefighters working to stop the fires. 

Putin critic Alexey Navalny poisoned 

Alexey Navalny, a well-known Russian leader who has been outspoken against Russian President Putin, was poisoned by someone and is now in a coma in a hospital in Germany. He is in serious, but not life-threatening condition. Doctors at the hospital said multiple tests shows that Navalny’s body had an unknown substance in it that affected his brain and nervous system. Navalay fell ill on a plane from Siberia to Moscow last week after drinking tea at the airport. 

Navalny has been arrested several times and was barred from running for the Russian presidency. His face was turned green at least twice by a dye thrown on his face. 

His poisoning has raised fresh concerns on a pattern of critics or opponents of the Russian government being poisoned. 

Republican National Convention kicks off 

The Republican National Convention is going to start today (Monday) in Charlotte, North Carolina, and continue to Thursday. President Donald Trump will make an appearance every night and give an address on Thursday. Trump was formally nominated as the Republican nominee today. 

Kellyanne Conway leaving White House 

Kellyane Conway, one of President Trump’s senior advisers and his 2016 election campaign manager, announced she would leave the White House at the end of this month. Her husband, George, is an attorney and a very outspoken critic against Trump. George was a part of “The Lincoln Project,” which is a group of Republicans who are campaigning for Trump to lose in November, so there was a lot of media fodder on the conflict between Kellyanne and George. George has left his role with the Lincoln Project as well. Kellyanne said they want to focus on their four children as they begin their remote education. One of their daughters, Claudia (15) has developed a large social media following in which she expressed her views against Trump. She recently posted that she wanted emancipation from her parents.

That is all the top stories. Check out our Deaf News videos. See you tomorrow and stay with the light!