Monday, April 27 coronavirus and top news briefs

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! Hope your weekend was good. It is Monday, April 27. Here are coronavirus and top news briefs. 

There is now over 3 million cases of COVID-19 in the world. In the United States alone, we’re at 973,000 cases with over 55,000 deaths. We’re almost at the same number of deaths of Americans killed in the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1975.

Although the numbers of cases and deaths have continued to increase, the “curve” is starting to flatten. Here are two images that shows a graphic of daily new cases. You can see that the numbers have remained the same for several days. It is positive to see that the curve is flattening because we’re having more tests than before. 

The New York Times reported that scientists at the University of Oxford in England are in the lead in the race to find a vaccine for COVID-19. They are expected to have trials that will involve more than 6,000 people in May. If proved to be effective, they hope to have the first few million doses by September. The vaccine was tested on six rhesus macaques at a NIH laboratory in Montana who were exposed to “heavy quantities of the virus” but they did not become sick. China said they have also developed a vaccine that is effective with monkeys and are now in a clinical trial with 144 individuals. 

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recovered from COVID-19 and appeared in public for the first time since his hospitalization. 

The U.S. military is planning to do flyovers in at least 30 U.S. cities to honor front line and essential workers on Tuesday. 

Georgia, Oklahoma, and Alaska have allowed some businesses to reopen. Beaches in Florida and Southern California are starting to fill up with people. It feels like we are nearing some sort of a reopening of America, but it won’t look normal anytime soon. Many states have stay-at-home orders that are set to expire in the first two weeks of May. 

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he has a plan to block off about 40 miles of roads to vehicles so people can have space to walk around when there is warmer weather. 

Dr. Deborah Birx from the White House coronavirus task force said we will have to keep up with social distancing through the summer to protect one another. 

New York has cancelled its Democratic presidential primary by removing Sen. Bernie Sanders and other candidates due to concerns with coronavirus.

BBC News explained that New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the country has stopped community spread of COVID-19. In the past several days there were less than 10 new cases reported daily and only one on Sunday. New Zealand had very strict lockdown measures that started on March 26 with its borders closed, mandatory quarantines of all arrivals, closures of all schools and offices and restaurants, even closing takeout service. New Zealand has about 1,500 confirmed cases and 19 deaths. Now New Zealand will allow some business and education activity to resume but most people are still required to stay at home. 

Italy will allow parks, stores, museums, and restaurants to start opening in May. Spain allowed children under 14 to go outside for the first time in six weeks. 

Now, here are three top news briefs not related to the coronavirus. 

There is a lot of speculation and rumors on whether North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is dead or near death. He has not been seen for several weeks and did not show up for a recent national holiday event. Some reports said he died after undergoing heart surgery. South Korea’s government said they haven’t seen anything that would indicate something happened to Kim Jong Un. Because North Korea is a very secretive nation, there is no way to know until North Korea makes an announcement or if Kim Jong Un makes an appearance. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) announced she is endorsing Joe Biden for president. 

“Duck Dynasty” personality Willie Robertson’s home was shot up with about 10 bullets by a drive-by shooter on Friday. A suspect was arrested — Daniel King, Jr. Nobody was injured in the shooting. It is not clear what the motive was. 

That is all for today. Check out our Deaf News stories. See you tomorrow and stay with the light!