Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf is finalist in “Friday Night 5G Nights”

The Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD) is in a nationwide contest hosted by T-Mobile to see which school will get the most “likes” on their Instagram video.

There are 16 finalists out of 1,700 applicants from all over the U.S. It’s down to 16 schools. Whoever has the most “likes” on their video is the winner and they will get a $100,000 high school grant, a brand new football field scoreboard, an upgraded weight room, and 5G network upgrades.

The contest is called “Friday Night 5G Nights.”

MSAD said in a press release that they are “incredibly honored to represent not only Minnesota but also the Deaf community has the sole Deaf school finalist.”

MSAD is asking the greater Deaf community to visit their Instagram and click “like” on their Instagram video.

You can go to Instagram and find MSAD’s account @msadstudentlife. You will see several posts but the one that needs the “like” is the video that opens with MSAD students and athletes lined up and cheering in a hallway. It also has footage in a gym. This video has the hashtags #FN5GL and #Contest. Click “like” on the video. That’s all.

I saw that T-Mobile's contest website showed a “daily scoreboard” and MSAD is in the 16th place, but they can climb up if they get hundreds and thousands of Instagram “likes.”

The links are in the description or transcript.

Instagram link to video: https://www.instagram.com/p/DA7IGjpO0W8/

Official contest website: https://www.fridaynight5glights.com


Sponsored video by Convo: www.convorelay.com
