The Daily Moth 2-28-2020

Hello, welcome to The Daily Moth! It is Friday, February 28. I had several meetings today that took up my time, so today’s news will be shorter than normal, but here’s four top stories. 

The first - - U.S. stocks took another extended dive today and Axios said it is officially the worst week since the financial crisis in 2008. The culprit is fears of the impact of coronavirus. The Federal Reserve said the coronavirus poses evolving risks to economic activity and they would use their tools and act as appropriate to support the economy. This means that interest rates could be cut down in the near future. 

Cases of coronavirus have continued to spread across the globe. There are cases in Nigeria to North Ireland to Switzerland to Mexico. There are 3,500 new infections in South Korea, Italy, and Iran. 

There is a second person in Northern California who is infected - yesterday there was one in the Sacramento area, and this is the second. Both have not traveled to China and did not have exposure to an infected person. Now there are concerns that there might be more cases coming out of the area. It may be linked to a quarantine area at an air base near Sacramento — Travis Air Force Base — which is where a plane carrying Americans from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan landed. There were 14 people who were infected on the flight. There was a whistleblower complaint from a worker there that said some employees worked at the quarantine locations without adequate protection and then went back into the community. So a lot of people are watching Northern California to see what happens. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the risk level for coronavirus to the highest level — from “high” to “very high.” WHO said every government on the planet needs to wake up, get ready, because the virus may be on its way. 

The second news — a high school wrestler from North Carolina, Heaven Fitch, became the first female wrestler to win a state high school championship. She wrestles in the 106 lbs weight class. She had a 54-4 record for the year. She was fourth in state last year, and now she’s the champion. Congratulations to her for making history. She said she became interested in wrestling from watching her older brothers compete. 

The third news — Milwaukee police released the identities of the five people who died in the Molson Coors shooting on Wednesday. They were five men with ages that ranged from 33 to 61. Their first names were Jesus, Trevor, Dana, Dale, and Gene. They worked as powerhouse operators, machinists, and electricians. Molson Coors started a GoFundMe for the victims’ families and donated $500,000 to start with a goal for people to get it up to a million dollars. 

The gunman is confirmed to be Anthony Ferrill (51). He was an electrician and worked for 17 years at the brewery. He committed suicide after gunning the others down. Police said they have not determined a motive. 

The fourth news — tomorrow is the South Carolina primary. Joe Biden is the favorite to win the state and he said he would win it in this week’s debate. Bernie Sanders and Tom Steyer are other top performers in polls. South Carolina has an African-American voting majority and Biden is popular with this voting bloc. He recently received a key endorsement from Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the highest-ranking African-American in Congress. South Carolina is considered a test of Biden’s viability as a candidate. We should know tomorrow night who are the top three finishers for South Carolina. 

That is all for this week. Thank you for watching “The Daily Moth.” Have a wonderful weekend and stay with the light! 


Heaven Fitch:


South Carolina:


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TOP STORIESAlex Abenchuchan