July 5 NAD Chicago Conference Updates


Alex: Hello from Chicago! I’m at the NAD Conference. It is Friday, July 5. I want to show you two video comments from the outgoing NAD President Jenny Buechner and the incoming NAD President Lisa Rose.

Jenny Buechner: I want to thank the community for your work in supporting us and trusting me to lead the NAD for the past two years. It is sad to see that my journey with NAD has come to a conclusion, but I trust that the new board will continue their important work for you, the community.

Lisa Rose: It’s incredible that I was elected as the new president. People have reached out to me and it’s surreal because I haven’t been sworn in. I’m pinching myself. I’m actually still in my role as the Region III Board Member. I’m also the co-chair for the COR. So when I swear in, it’ll become real. But I’m very ready. I’ve always been ready. I’m a born politician. I was actually born on Election Day! So it’s like politics was my milk. I’m ready for you, I mean all of you, to join the team. What does a team mean? T is for transparency. E is for engagement. A is for advocacy. M is for meaningful. Are you ready to join us? So we can move forward? You in?

Alex: During this morning’s COR Council of Representatives, the NAD gave a special award called the “Spirit of NAD” to the Maine Association of the Deaf.

(Video clip showing the giving of the award to representatives of the Maine Association of the Deaf). Jenny Buechner says, “Thank you for your work, your commitment and service to the community. We really value your work. We are behind you all the way.”

Thomas Minch: This award means a lot to our community after all the experiences we have gone through. This award shows that the NAD recognizes us as a strong organization through this crisis. We are grateful.

Alex: Today was the final COR meeting with delegates. They decided on the five priorities for the NAD. See the image of the priorities.

(Image of the five priorities:)

1) Address Deaf Youth Well-Being

2) Deaf Seniors Issues

3) DECLARE: Deaf Children's Language Rights Everywhere

4) Access to Resources for DeafDisabled Citizens &

Enhancing Services for DeafBlind Communities

5) Deaf Community Needs: Access Emergency Responders &

Emergency Notifications

Alex: I asked a delegate to explain and expand on the five priorities.

Katie Engelbrecht, AZ Association of the Deaf Delegate: During debates, we tried to figure out how we could merge some of the priorities. Two of them, DeafBlind and DeafDisabled, they were originally separate but the COR agreed to combine them. I have mixed feelings because they are two separate topics. DeafDisabled and DeafBlind are two different priorities but they were merged. The COR also tried to merge Youth Well Being with “DECLARE” but they were kept separate because again, they are two separate issues. Youth is about mental health while DECLARE is about babies’ language acquisition. We then tried to merge emergency preparedness with one other issue and they were merged because we agreed that they had similar issues. Then the last two, they tried to change the word, “DECLARE” to “LEAD-K” but delegates disagreed because LEAD-K is more about preschool to 12th grade and education, while “DECLARE” is more about babies and language acquisition. So it was an interesting morning and a lot of debate. But all is good and I’m happy with the choices we made for the priorities for NAD.

Alex: I also want to add that last night, they had a pitch competition. Four different people/organizations tried to win a cash prize for their business idea. I’ll show you images and who won.

(Video clips of the pitch competition)

Judges: Joshua Beal, Sean Maiwald, Shane Feldman.

Contestant #1: Naima Boudreaux, Deaf Mental Health & Wellness Hub. Naima: Have you experienced struggles with navigating mental health resources in your state?

Contestant #2: Andrew Cho, Intpview. Andrew: Have you booked an appointment with a doctor only to see an interpreter that you’re not satisfied with their quality?

Contestant #3: Angela Evatt, Healthy Hands. Angela: The Deaf world and the hearing worlds… we move between them.

Contestant #4 Joshua Wojnar, DeafEco. Joshua: I grew up with technology and I treasure the Deaf community.

(Image showing the contestant answering questions panel-style)

First Place Winner for a $7,500 prize: Boudreaux (Deaf Mental Health & Wellness Hub).

Alex: That’s all the recap for today. I will continue to cover more things here!

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