“Here Comes Mavo” aims to be first ASL animated series created by Deaf people

In Washington, D.C., a team of Deaf and hearing creative professionals hope to create a 3D, animated series for children using signing characters called “Here Comes Mavo!”

[Clip of the animated Mavo character] Credit: Motion Light Lab

[Short clip of Melissa Malzkuhn and her creative team from her crowdfunding campaign video] Credit: Motion Light Lab/Pigmental Studios

[Clip of a sample of the setting in “Here Comes Mavo!”] Credit: Motion Light Lab/Pigmental Studios

The team is led by Melissa Malzkuhn of Gallaudet University’s Motion Light Lab (ML2), working in collaboration with Pigmental Studios’ Marina Martins and Gallaudet’s VL2 Center, are trying to fundraise $50,000 for the pilot episode.

[Short clip of Melissa Malzkuhn and her creative team from her crowdfunding campaign video] Credit: Motion Light Lab/Pigmental Studios

Here is an interview.

[Begin Interview]
Can you share, in a nutshell, what is required to create an animated character that uses ASL? Compare that process with animated characters that can speak.

Melissa Malzkuhn, ML2 Director: The major difference between signing characters and any speaking characters is that we depend on motion for the signing part. For speaking characters, the quality can vary because they will use voice talent in the performance. The voice is merged and hearing people can hear it and feel connected to the character, or believe in them. But for us, with signing characters, we have to see that language fluency to see their tone.

[Clip of animation process and samples of final work] Credit: Motion Light Lab

Malzkuhn: Our work with Motion Light Lab is amazing and we are constantly working towards achieving that level of real fluency with sign language, to make it something that we can understand with our eyes. It’s been a long journey.

[Clip of animation process and samples of final work] Credit: Motion Light Lab

Malzkuhn: We use a motion capture system because it captures the entire body. That’s important. We integrate the technology with Faceware, which captures facial expressions. That’s important. Our approach leads us to capture that fluency in signing characters.

[Clip of animation process and samples of final work] Credit: Motion Light Lab

Malzkuhn: So yes, to compare the processes, (signing) characters are more detailed and challenging. But we have reached that level and it’s exciting.


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Alex: You are now fundraising $50,000 for the pilot episode. So how do you visualize finding funds for the remaining 52 episodes? If/when you actually make progress, where can the public view the episodes?

Malzkuhn: We hope to fundraise $50,000. That will kick-start the process to create the pilot episode. Our goal is to tell a story from our Deaf-centric perspective. The Deaf way of being, the Deaf experience. Signing. That’s the basic goal. We plan to release (the pilot) on YouTube because it will reach a huge audience. Everyone can see it for free, at no cost. We have a goal to find investments and investors to make the remaining episodes happen. Maybe a distributor. What’s important is that whoever invests, they have to align with our vision. We came here with a specific mission. All the episodes have signing and Deaf representation in a very incredible and positive way. It is for all children to watch, deaf or hearing, it doesn’t matter. All will benefit from the educational content. So that’s our plan! Starting something is always the most challenging part but once we make it a reality and show others, we can make great progress.

[Clip of a winter holiday-themed animation showing Mavo by ML2] Credit: Motion Light Lab

[End interview]

Alex: Thank you so much, Melissa Malzkuhn, for explaining more about this exciting project and vision. I loved seeing these examples of animated ASL. If you’d like to help financially or want to see more information about this project, I’ve included links in the transcription and description.

Crowdfunding: https://seedandspark.com/fund/here-comes-mavo#story

More info: https://herecomesmavo.com/