Global Pride 2020


 June is usually a time where there are LGBTQ+ pride parades and events in the U.S. and across the world, but the coronavirus pandemic has caused many events to be cancelled or postponed. It might seen quieter than usual in June. But a group is now hosting an online event called “Global Pride 2020.” It will be a 24-hour livestream that will start on Saturday. It will take you from country to country across the globe with different musicians and presenters. There will be 20 International Sign language interpreters from 12 different countries in PIP screens. Check out this promo. 

[Video clips of different people from different countries signing “Happy Global Pride!”] 

Here are comments from two deaf people who helped to organize the interpreters for Global Pride.


It is notable to see a historic 24-hour livestream with IS interpreters. It’s not set where their PIP screens will be. I’m excited to give IS interpreters an opportunity to be seen by the world. 


Why is it important? Many think that with gay marriage legalized, we’re done. But don’t forget there are many countries that don’t allow marriage. Some countries allow executions. It’s true for many places. LGBTQ+ education is not fully instilled, so many are suppressing their identities. We need to say that they can come out. Look at this — having a deaf identity is important. But LGBTQ+ identity should be just as important. This event will cause people to have a dialogue and raise awareness about same-sex relationships. If there are no marches, there are no conversations.  


Those who are Deaf and Queer experience double oppression. First is audism and then there’s heterosexism. I’ve been though both oppressions myself. But today many countries are open and show support. Abigail is right, there are many other countries that still ban it with threats of executions or whipping for having a LGBTQ+ relationship. 

[Sponsored Video from Convo: ]  


Happy Pride from The Daily Moth to the LGBTQ+ community. If you want to watch the 24-hour livestream, go to You can follow their Facebook, IG, and Twitter. You can check their lineup and there will be interpreters. 

Text: Here is a message from the Deaf Queer Resource Center! 


Hello! I’m Topher with the Deaf Queer Resource Center (DQRC). I’m excited about Global Pride. How will we celebrate it? DeafQueer.Chat will be open for 24 hours at the same time that Global Pride is going on. We invite you all in the deaf LGBTQ community and allies to join us and meet new people. Join us in watching Global Pride and celebrate the virtual event together. If you want more details, look at our IG or FB posts. Happy Pride! 

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