German parliament welcomes its first deaf lawmaker

AP News reported that the German parliament has welcomed its first deaf lawmaker, Heike Heubach (44).

Heubach joined the German parliament’s lower house, or Bundestag, this week. A photo shows that other members of parliament welcomed her with applause and handwaves.

Speaker Bärbel Bas said, “We are actually writing history… We have the first deaf lawmaker who will work here…”

The report explained that Heubach had two interpreters working with her in the plenary hall. They will work to interpret her speeches, her questions, and others’ speeches.


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The report and Heubach’s website explained that she used to work as an industrial manager for an energy company.

She narrowly lost an election in 2021 and this time around, joined the Bundestag to be the replacement for a MP that departed to join Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration.

Congratulations to Heubach. Her official website says she is married and has two adult daughters.