Friday, September 3 top stories

It is Friday, September 3. Here are today’s top stories.

At least 46 people were killed by massive flooding and storms from the remnants of Hurricane Ida in the eastern U.S.

23 people died in New Jersey, while 13 people died in New York City, with 11 of those deaths in flooded basement apartments. Five people died in Pennsylvania. In Connecticut, a police officer died after his cruiser was swept away by flood waters.

A survivor in Queens said when her first-floor apartment quickly flooded to her knees, she rushed to her neighbors below to try and get them out, but the rushing water was too strong for her to open the door. Three residents, including a toddler, died in the basement.

At another apartment in Queens, people tried for an hour to save a 48-year-old woman who was trapped in six feet of water. Witnesses said the woman was screaming, “Help me, help me!” Unfortunately, the pressure of the water was too strong and the woman passed away.

There are people who are angry about the deaths, saying it should be 100% avoidable.

Weather experts explained to ABC News that it is normal for the remnants of hurricanes to cause storms, but climate change makes the storms to be more intense because warmer air holds more rain.

CNN reported that Jacob Chansley, who is known as the “QAnon Shaman” and wore a horned bearskin outfit during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, will plead guilty today to federal charges of civil disorder and obstructing congressional proceedings.

Chansley was been in custody since January. His judge said he is too dangerous for release. Chansley’s attorney said he has had an emotional journey and that he realizes he needs to do more self-work.

CNN said this week the Justice Department secured its 50th guilty plea from the January 6 attack. There were a total of 600 people charged. Prosecutors are trying to resolve lower-level cases.

The more serious cases of those who attacked police officers or worked in organized groups are progressing. Prosecutors said there were about 1,000 assaults on federal officers on January 6.

The Republican governors of South Dakota and Florida said they are looking into supporting new laws restricting abortion that would be similar to Texas’ ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The governors were emboldened by the Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote to not block Texas’ law.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said she is now ordering a review to make sure her state has the strongest pro life laws on the books. South Dakota currently bans abortions after 22 weeks.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the Texas law was interesting and he would look more significantly at it. Some Florida lawmakers said they want to propose new anti-abortion bills during their next session in January.

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Today in New Zealand, a man who was inspired by ISIS went into a supermarket and stabbed multiple people. The suspect was shot and killed by police.

Six people were hospitalized. New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern said the suspect was a known violent extremist and was being monitored, but couldn’t legally be imprisoned.

Yahoo News said President Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen to an all-time low after the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal. The poll said only 44% of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president with 49% disapproving, which is the lowest in Yahoo’s polling. Yahoo News explained that most Americans support the idea of withdrawing from Afghanistan, but do not approve of the messy and deadly way in which it happened.

That is all the top stories for today. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday. Stay with the light!