Friday, September 10 top stories

It is Friday, September 10. Here are today’s top stories.

President Joe Biden gave an address from the White House yesterday afternoon to announce tough new Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

He said he is directing the Department of Labor to create an emergency rule to require all big companies with 100 or more employees to issue vaccination mandates for all employees or make them undergo weekly Covid-19 testing.

I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employs over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated, or show a negative test at least once a week.

This new rule affects 80 million Americans across the country who work for these large companies.

Biden also mandated that all federal employees and government contractors be vaccinated, which covers about 20 million people. So Biden is trying to force a total of 100 million people to be vaccinated.

Biden said his message to unvaccinated Americans is, “What more do you need to see?”

My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. The vaccine has FDA approval. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. You’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us. So please do the right thing, but just don’t take it from me. Listen to the voices of unvaccinated Americans who are lying in hospital beds, taking their final breath, saying, “If only I’d gotten vaccinated. If only.” It’s a tragedy. Please don’t let it become yours.

Axios reported that several Republican governors said they would go to court to try and stop Biden’s vaccine mandates. Some conservative leaders called on businesses to protest by refusing to comply.

Today Biden said his response to Republicans who say they would issue legal challenges to his vaccine mandates is “Have at it.”

CNN Travel reported that the French government has removed the U.S. from its safe travel list and will prohibit unvaccinated American visitors who are traveling for nonessential reasons. Unvaccinated Americans can still get into France if they have an essential reason, but they must provide a negative Covid-19 test and quarantine for seven days upon arrival.

France is now among an increasing number of European countries that are imposing strict travel restrictions on American travelers.

The CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said today that three new studies show that those without vaccines are 10 times more likely to be hospitalized and 11 times more likely to die. The CDC said studies show that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are about 86% effective against preventing hospitalizations.

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NBC News reported that a middle school teacher named John M. Wallis resigned last week after school administrators told him he couldn’t leave a Pride flag hanging in his classroom.

This is at the Neosho Junior High School in southwestern Missouri.

Wallis said he put up the Pride flag on the first day of school to create a welcoming environment. But two days later, he was called to a meeting with administrators, who informed him that a parent complained and expressed concerns that he would teach students to become gay. Wallis said one of the administrators compared the Pride flag to the Confederate flag.

The controversy escalated to the point where the school district superintendent asked Wallis to sign a letter that prohibited him from discussing LGBTQ-related topics in the classroom. Wallis ended up resigning. He said it was a hostile work environment and expressed sadness because Neosho is where he grew up.

A baby girl in the Houston area passed away after being left in the back of a car all day in temperatures as hot as 94 degrees. She was only 1 year old. ABC News explained that on Thursday morning, the mother, who had three children in total, drove them to daycare where she dropped off two older children. For some reason the 1-year-old was not dropped off. The mother returned home and went about her day and then switched cars before returning to the daycare on Thursday afternoon. The mother was expecting to pick up three children but was told that only two were dropped off that morning. The mother went back to her home and found the baby still inside the car. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

The district attorney’s office will determine if the mother will face criminal charges or if the case will go to a grand jury.

It is the 20th hot car death this year.

In a bizarre case out of Austria, police said a man hid his mother’s body in his basement for over a year so he could receive her pension. Police said they visited the man’s home in the Innsbruck area last weekend because some people suspected the mother, who was 89 years old, died in June 2020. The son, who is 66 years old, admitted to police that when his mother died, he froze her body and then wrapped her in bandages and covered it with cat litter to absorb any fluids. Police said the corpse was found mummified in a cellar. An autopsy on the mother’s body found no evidence of murder -- meaning it is assumed the mother died of natural causes -- but the son is now accused of benefit fraud and hiding a corpse. Police said that the son pocketed about 50,000 euros since June 2020.

That is all the top stories for this week. Check out our other videos. Have a great weekend and stay with the light.