Friday, October 2 top news briefs

It is Friday, October 2. I posted a video this early morning about President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania becoming infected with the coronavirus. Here are updates. 

President Trump is in self-isolation at the White House. All of his previously scheduled events are either cancelled or postponed or turned virtual. 

Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen tested negative for the coronavirus. 

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife Jill tested negative for the coronavirus. There was some concern that Biden was exposed during the debate on Tuesday, but he’s negative. 

Sen. Kamala Harris and her husband Doug tested negative for the coronavirus. 

The White House said Trump is feeling mild symptoms but is good spirits. The First Lady also said she is experiencing mild symptoms. 

The outbreak in the White House started when top aide Hope Hicks tested positive for the coronavirus. News reports said she got the result on Wednesday evening, but the world did not know about it until Thursday evening. Hicks traveled with Trump to Minnesota for a campaign rally. 

Trump had a fundraiser at his golf club in New Jersey on Thursday and met with about 100 people. The New Jersey governor said people who went to the fundraiser should get tested and that the state was trying to track them. 

There are news reports that more White House staff have tested positive. 

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Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) tested positive for the coronavirus. He met with the Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Tuesday, but she tested negative for the virus. They both were together with Trump on Saturday for the nomination announcement. 

The president of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, has tested positive for the coronavirus. He went to the nomination ceremony for Barrett, who graduated from the school and was a professor. 

CNN reported that over the summer, Barrett tested positive for the coronavirus but has recovered. 

Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee chairwoman, tested positive for the coronavirus. 

That’s all the updates for now. This news story continues to unfold and we’ll see what the impact is on the spread of the disease. 

I want to shift to a different topic — the coronavirus relief package. Congress has been trying to pass a bill to provide support for Americans. Democrats and Republicans have struggled to reach an agreement on a new package that includes a new round of stimulus checks. The House passed a $2.2 trillion Heroes Act last night that includes stimulus checks among other proposals, but it does not have the support of Republicans, so it won’t turn into law. The White House said they do support a second round of stimulus checks, but they do not agree with the other things in the Heroes Act from the Democrats. Both sides are still negotiating on unemployment benefits, tax credits, SNAP benefits, housing aid, and many more. It is unknown when both sides will come to an agreement, but it seems like a deal will happen soon. 

That is all the top news briefs for this week. I will keep my eye on the news over the weekend and if there’s any major developments, I’ll post updates on Moth Facebook, YouTube, and website. Check out our Deaf News videos. Have a safe and healthy weekend and stay with the light.